2) ae i : Ere r 5 7 F a CONNECTICUT PARHIT TSKCHS<¢ /.SS0CT:TION INCORPI.RITED "OUR OLN BULLETIN" G:MES & SOGI:.L RECHE/.TION -CTIVITIES "FOR P.Tws., MEATINGS” & POR PIPILY PLiy" All activities heve been contributed by member of Connecticut P.P.is. Contributed by Mrs. urnest P. ileagbeck, Reed P.T./. Brideenort, Comms following noises: dogs bark, certs mew, ducks queck, piss grunt, cows J moo, Rens cluck;, bees buzz. a wr a y : TRE Bi.RNYs.RD ee : ine’ pHernre rd there were heng, ducks, & nics in severe] number who lives contently torether, . In: the verenda of the fermhouse two kittens were pirving € 8 Their mother sleep. She wes s big bleck e:t.. "Letg-fo down hy the veter end veteh the ducks swim," seid the firs me “No, I'd rether xo down by the ve.ture end ve tech the covs @reiseing, srid the second- kitten. It will soon he time for Robhv ca eect ne voles, and he mey hrine us some milk.” Just then tic hens in the coon snnoune da they hed besun Ee Yin ClOS 4 ! Boboy went out vith « nel of food for the pigs. Ho eollectéd the hents e@es on the hey beck of the house. He stood for * moment lookine toverd the vt sture es the covws rte the awost clover. £8 he erm) ue the prth, Rover tha dog mét him, His teil vrigein, Beh vets ted the cftt-is he. welked up the strirs of the verind:t:.. He went in tns house-:nAa ut the hen's eegs dovn, He then took some crust. of breed.in his vocket. On the wey out he whistled to the dog.. Tney went down hy the vornd where the ducks were swirminge ‘nd pleying in the mud. ™hon they siw Bobbht with the doe they creme to the edge of the benk. Hren the pe oy duck. orme.swinnine slowly. Bobby then throw the brerd end the ducks sWim SLOWiv ¢weye "Gome cn nover, letis géther sone flowers for mother hefore ve vrine the cova. The dog ven 'checd. In th field were mtenv drises both: a Ene Vite. .BOoty crtnerée -<. le reve bouauet, "Gone here ." . id Fo the: der. You see thet bir humble bee thore, well, if He Es you it will hurt, a, Lee So 4 ean) END WEPibutss oy Mrs, Vosenn Rovicnhnd, Pres..of Ridgerviein Pyviehw Bnd Run vice: President, CoLlonial Pers, Ridge efieta . oxine Metch" very cood for « successful sociel hour st © Patal. YHOO Ks THOS ebay o “> \s at - ; Wee ie 4 ‘ 2 lee ee eis i i Districusee © pecic of Cewmds tmonr those Yrosent. 66 ay ones “Bend 247 ee bio cer) holders to she side of: the roon ‘enn: the rest in the opner.s The “biocks" sare .routers for the "Perents"and the “reds" for the "Teechers', Weke & hoxine ring with 4 chairs snd © rope like a roguler pnitsh. -.neeint.« voferce, tine keoner, trqg seaonds, & dector, promoter *O0 ¢. Teechur end Perent,468 eontesté nts. Lrrenc e 2k princip: 1s in-or sround the ring in .usutl pitces. The nromoter. brings in twe orirs of boxine rlovess : | ‘ =—-.—"*. They «re put on the contestents end introcuced to the eudience, The keepers tre etch eiven = beg. Contrining t wooden het, e€ neil end + hemmer. The object is to see who cen drive the neils in first. Heve the gung rung every one minute #nd ennounced *s Ft & reguler metch. my Oceuprtion: Give out slins of never telling of en occuprtion, Herve the person denonstrete eg. ee on Roller §ketes" wes c big hit et tris P.T.h. Contributed by Mrs. ''. Meysen Knepp. Mill Plein P ff, Leke Kenosie , i eORT A Conn. ; / "How's your sense of Touch" Pleee ¢ vicee of mecrtroni, & line been, © strew, © piece of string e pleyine cerd, © ptece of errd, eplece of silk, © piece: of eotton, e been, rnd hair nin in « nrper beer. "rite the shove Lisv of the bltck hoprd or never fnd nin in « plfce where it cen he seen. First contestent drews one perticle tt & time out of the hee: without looking. One voint score is given for esch erticle drewn end nemned in the proper order. 20. points for +.! norfect seore. "Professor ‘“uiz Contest" Trke questions out of « het. Heve Professor Suiz, score oes time keever, terms or individurl contesténts. Contributed by Mrs. Leonerd Briley, Center School, Bethel, Conn ‘yiz gquestions-' nswers-Nemes of locel neonle. Two tetms, Judeces (3), scorekeevers, time keepers, Prize for winner” of o#ch term or the winnins term. The eer ee vill be sent on reques ind "Jomo end Family" sue sestions ; Vindhrm Center P.T./:. Mrs. bDuryen, President P sh Sh ee ae Bester morning breekfrst hunt. The children of one of the members erreneed this: - Heve string etteched to brerkfest treys rnd ¢rtic les for the individurl trey. Have erticles in vérious pleces, end “ind the string sround the: yard «nd house seeing thet 21 the strings for onc trey come together in one nlece. The nleyers wind up the string end thus find their brotkfest. \ ontributed by Hrs. George Smith, Newtown P.T.J.. Newtovn, Conn. Srunch” Heve © mornine hike «nd ¢t the end cook end serve € cobinttio: hreekfest «nd lunch. cunrise Hike. Teke ¢ hike on € mountrin or hill, to see the sunrise ene: cook bret kfeas : Chinese checkers, musicsl evening, smell orch: stre or singing. Trin to New York to see Pleneterium, skinc, tennis, ete, ere our feygorits. Contrituted by Mrs. Cleus Berquest, President Redding Center P.T./. Reddine, Conn. The frrerite Femily Pleys: There ere hikes, outdoor rosst, «nd vicnic nature hunts, euto trivs end olrying gaemes while treveling, es: "/uto Ride #nd Seek" one sfvs, cuess where I'm hiding? The one who succeeds hes 6 chenee to hide. You ao not retlly hide but neme some nlrce of Ff cer where vou fre sunnose to be. : "OUR OF RILIAIN' * peme5 Submitted by- Hrs. Louis Hurlbut, Kec. Cheirmen, Roxbury, P.T.A. and committee for hobby skov. ea ¥ou~ "Kaie” s+ or +6 "Bowl" + or = "Pi gh" Whet Hobbies Do You Ride--".het otrer Roxburiens ere interested in these ectivities? . Pleese indicete our interest end suceest nemes of others ective along these lines, or in pny other hobbies you mey edd. 1. Gollecting (entiques, buttons, chine, cless, serepboolks, stamps, books, documents, coins, srrowhesds, specimens, etc. 2. Fendicreft (model eirvolenes, needlework, weevine, tmitting, quilts, rugs, crochetine, erticles of leether, wood, metel, etc.) | %. omecraft (crnning, sewing, cooing, interior decoretine, etc.) 4. Svorts (huntine, fishing, etc.) 5. Photography (candid shots, studies, movies, develoning end vrintine G. Nature study (wild flowers, moths, .roe's, trees, trechs, etc.) y Crertive Activities not mentioned shove (writing comnosing, vaintine, designing, setchins, etching, etc.) Q, kiscelleneous (c#rdeninc, raisince vets, eenine hees, singing dramatizing, stucty¥ing motors, nlieyine « musicel instrument. or’ -+"gketing"” -- or. enjoy =- Nishibits’ -- or just -- "Reed end Relax" Mrs. Lewis Hurlbut ERE YOU & PRART SPECIKALICT? POUL) / I. Fow mony rearts (excluding those on the costumes of the King, Cueen & Jack) ere there in the suit? 87 &€. The fecé cards in & pack ere either full face, profile turned left, or orofile turned right. ‘hich wey is the Kine of Heerts? The ‘yeen? The Jecx? K--Full, G--Full, d--to right. %¥ Whet cards in the suit sre exectly the sene whether looked st from one end or the other? ke ‘:- Js 2h. Bec6 Aare 4. Why vould the Jeck of Hearts be rejected by tre Dreft Boerd? He hes only one eye +— or, ++ he hes no legs. 5. FALL in the tlenks in the following guotetion:- "Stay et hone, my %¢héart , end rest Fome-veevine hearts are hanviest" 6. Neme two floxers whose nemes contrin the word "heert". Feert seese - Bleeding heert 7. Which of Scott's novels begins its ection on Séint Velentine's bay? The Feir Keid of Perth Q, -Whet femous royal robbery hes been celebreted in verse? "the “ueen of Heerts she,made some terts." ete 9. Fow meny Enelish words of three or more letters, not voorner nemes, cen you find in the Word FEATS? Bertr, Her, Heer Feat, Fat, Rate, Here, Ker, Ere, Het. Art, Bre, Rhee, Ret, Het, Reth, Rete, 'Rah, Teer, Tar, The; Tare, Tea =i. & verhavs more t liiss. Hilda Green member of Rec. Comm. ofr Roxbury?Pp Mrs. Josevh Hartwell, Pres. Roxbury PTL, not having enourch girls old enough for 4F work or eny scout or Cemp Fire. division, oreenized a 5H club combining the Scout, 4H and Gamo Fire girls progrems. The children work for stars, besds and hedges, in the sence of rome Keine, Hendiereftt Heelth, Heart (thinking of others) end Heed. They mee trins to én etcher and leserned etching, put on en entertain- ment 6nd served ters, learned how to errange flowers end won some prizes at the childrens flower show, hed & supper and @& vicnic, plenned end got the meals, camped two deys and one nicht, hed an exhibit of their hendicraft work. I did this to solve the problem of my deughters question tyhet Cen I do Nor?" Trene U. Hartwell "OUR OWN RULLETIN” pege 5 rege i Read School P.T.A. Bridgenort, Conn. : Origins 1 Skit by Mrs... O'Connell, Mrs. 0. Flenegen tnd Mrs, He Meerteck Sing No. 1, Bj. end G on sone sheet | Skit---Introduce 3 mothers discussing whet thev leerned from Study Group. , | [ skit Whet They Leerned From Study Groun lirs. F.-Oht hello, where's the crowd Mra. o'’Conneli? : 2 tneught we ver CO DUG; on € fe shion shew. Mrs O.esbet's sit down snd weit. .Thest 1) be where soon’. met we tele, EePove torte done: your Mrs. F.-Did you heer Dr. Ilse Forrest's lectures lest yerr? .Well; I don't «gree with some her views. She seid "Don't sk whet time it) ts, when woune veople come in’ lete.2,.Let them live their own lives." I sey when young neonle herve © nervous bret kdown set's) whe! perenvs Wea, pay vanities hy Vrs. M.<-How meny young pveovle of todey, do vou know thet ere srving for. & reiny ‘dey? (The first week's «ter usuelin coes for s down péyment on * cer. «ving boerd is old=fr shioneds I!11 be £11 eers tovheter Dr. Alonzo Grece's tr1k on "Tesch our 1. ¢hildren to eern «: living." My girl Jeruskie wents to ge to College. ‘Why: even now, she feels herself superior to us. She took eli the pictures off ‘the: weil, «nd ts \eiveys finding feult with the children. ‘hen she esked her fether"To. vlerse Gap The mera Mle Bis, « ary on,” the he we S-bGo muon. . He threw dovn his vener nd seid "You hive too much.educetion PRPGEAVa s et tomy: Cont UO BASLE Le, arn Were Ones bne fon those’ hi felooting idess? Not from my side of the femily.” Mrs. Fe-My husbend gets so’ tnery when I come: home Tete fromie P.T A. meetine, -Doees Vour men ey tre Seme wea? Mrs. 0.-Oh!t no, vou see I htve hi sh, stew, or something 1 cen cook Quickly, “ind-his. frvorite ‘dessert, vou. mow the wey uo & mons herrt. (wink): Sperking of home work, 1 fee’ we should help OU childrens. bul nob do the work for Tem. Tou eee, tests “rec piven 2nd the, enild must: know. the -nswepe... Hor. cen they if we so the work for them? Rv doing so we sre doing the: chiddsen Some hed villows in for + bustlo «nd old shewls and ¢ Kimome end blonde msribo neck pieces were smong theses Next we head "This is ¢-Movie"” followed by Ne. 4.5, end 6 from the song sheet - ‘ | - A YGAR'S SOCT/.L PROGRAM oe Tine from 15 to 30 minutes Ji. NU:RY ) 1. Roll Cell--answer by mekins ¢€ Ney Year's Resolut ton yhen neme is celled. 2. fround the Yeer.erill folks -hevine birt hdere in the seme month form ¢ teem, one for etch month, singing én €ppropriste song for e&ch month, . When formed each teem .dremeatizes something typicel of their month. Vote which wes the best. FEBRU:RY 1. Who «m I---Pin the neme of & person on the beck of ef.ch one present. Guess who you fre by eskting questions of those vresent, who cen only tnswer yes or no. Suggestion for Februtry: use Pent. &. Gherecters rs Mre. Birney, Mrs, Thompson, the principvrl of the school , é. child, - ‘OTC » a : : ne 2e Ghme@eer--+-brve 2 necks of ce rds or 2 ocks of nie ate ie- numbered heerts. Lerder holds one nrck, the other peck is pessed, one rt © time, #round the room, until the music stons or whistle is blown. Loerder.drews,¢ errd, the person holding, the s*me nunber receives the beck cerd, Music becins terin, continue this until #22 cords ere drawn. The one hevine the most crrd@s méy be the winner or the one htvine the lerst. hie RCH - Le Roll Ce ll--i.nswer by neming something connected with ot. Petrick'!s Dey, on Spring, or thé neme of « flover which begins with your initiel, 2, Boxing hittch--betwoen € teteher rnd fF. perent, Select «& : doctor, nurse, seconds, tine-kceper promoter, Weter Boy, 66s, 621 i bionde ate’ aioe in Rolling bells et homemede Indien clubs. Group Gemes: Bucky Sheze - secretly designate rc bout three persons #6 the holders of the prizes. Then instruct the vlryers to she ke hends end introduct themselves to . bras stick betwoon them. A&t the sient l Gech one then choose sides end eech side sends & contestant cut to retrieve the broom until everyene hrs tried it. Refreshments- 4 lunch for two, vecked in little boxes wre.ovned in orrnse rn bleck pepere Give the boxes to the boys end witch hete tc the girls. The, boxes ena hets ere numbered. The cirl whose het berrs the seme numbor rs the boy's box sheres his lunch. & huse white treble cloth is sprerd down on the floor picnic fishion. sfter lunch, while the guests «re still sented, rn empty pumkin (jeckOo-lentern) is p Fssed to esch eAy, Whe drew out her fortune. A¬her numnnkin is nessed to the men who in turn crew out their, fortune e It is pessible thet some recreetion workers mey no t be femilizr with the bulletin entitled "How to Celebrete He llo- weten which wes issued lest yeer by the Association. Copieds mcy be secure! for 25 cents. Reerertien Circuler #51 Weilte for € treo Cups, Extention Densrtment of Agriculture. Connecticut Univeristy, Storrs, Connecticut — NOVsiviBEK Pley NIGHTS There sre mimeosrrphed copies of t. @henksgiving Perty" pege 52. "Perties for Snoelel py ys of the Yeer” end £, com- nléte covy of the Wovoember mceting for thoss who vent them wa well ea tue folowing: ~ in Gur lentins library we have: 1. Suggestivns for Sersonel Socisl & Community Ecotivities Bulletin No. 1048, snd s. 1651, iso Sb. L087. 2, “Phenksciving Perties" S. 1052. & 1050, S. 1053. a. In Rurel & smell community recrertion on pF ee OG is = trhenkegiving Party". 4. "Pirties'twiusicel, Mixers «nd Simple Syuerc dences= by hel Bowers. Price DO¢g ~ Hetione 1. Recreetion essocrtation= é t : = 15 4th .venue oy ei eel ul A olenning on sctive DPOLTe Me i oO NOVKN.RBEK PLAY NUIGHIS (continued) Some suzcestions for « Nevember Meeting: 1. Entertsrinment. - Pioneers song Feat, §& eroun af Ploneers et cemp efter & herd dey of trevel, singing. scones. of ©. dey bye Around ¢ cenp fire méke an indoor fire by putting « smudge in « peil, for the suc. © fi.d aprenging sticks cver red tissue cepor for the fire.- & gud erxit’,, somebody tells thet Indiens cre ebeut end ell steel off to the wegons. "Songs from smericen & Kurcpeen Folk Songs" R.S. #15 cen be uséde : 2. Zineni Zep. Pree 1. Pleyers find cut the first nme of the verson ct right end left the lender sterts by pointing to someone end saying, “Zip turkey". The person most reply the first neme of the versen on his right before the lerder eeunts to ten. If the leedern sry, “Zan turkey" the left nerson 4s mentioned. If nct successful the nerson te kes the -lesders WMECCC. 3. Guccenceim. Pesce 10. Dres the followine cnert: FURNISHINGS | CLOTHING: GIRLS Ne-M#S BOYS NaMES Fill in the speces with words becinnins with the letter et the ton ef column oni in the clsss cf the words et the sidee Thus, the first line for thanks might ree“, "Turdey, hesh, epnlles, nuts,. kole, seit." Score 4 fur every entry selected by ne one clse snd 1 fcr entries chosen by others. 3, ©, from gemes for cary end club meeting. R.S. #19 Extention Depertment of .sriculture Connecticut University Storrs, Connecticut. Circulers R.C. 8 -H.S. 15 mey be obte ined rt the stme place. 4, Pilsrim Spellins Metch.. Pe xe 90, Rurel Recreeticn. Give out Gurliented lctters (26}3 e's, ds, end cs, P. Gest, eo Wg hg Oy ey ee DS Pe, Sh, by USig “ONG BSL ef ene ¢cclor the other « different color. Mekine 2 sides - one letter r nerson if nossiblee snnounce the fellorving vwerds, one &t s time. Priscihle, Messisot, Brodfert, Brewster, Hiewe the e zs the word is calied, thesc helding the letters in the word run out into the middle of the room ‘with their letter in. front of them spelling the word correctly. The side which spells the word most quickly wins. | DECEMBER FESTIVITIEG Christues Party Suggestions: “sé Christy s Perty", pese 56 in Parties for Specitl Deys or the verr., ny Ethel B ONEPS e : DECEMBER FESTIVITIES (continued) A Merry Christucs Perty prre Oe. "Rure1l Recrertion". N.R.&. snow Bports picnic’ vege 23 Denniscn'ts Brithdey Parties. “i Christies Party" - our library No. S. 1054. “Christmes Butletin" Reerertion Dept. Reeding Pe. Heve hed s number of requests for nagceants or pleys, some Sorc Ge. end mteriel ere: “# Cendiclight Service “ in December 1957 Women's Home Comprnion. You cén get "three Christmes Pesgeents, tchristmns Feceents" & "Christmes Mericnettes," from the Women's Home Compenion Service Burceu, 250 Ferk ivenue N.Y. taoob WiIbp TOMARD MEN" « short peccent, from Dec. 1937. Ec untry Home, Country Benticmen. 1. “Plentetion Celehretion “by Elizebeth Britton. &. "Tittlo Women in the Nevs", by : Génevene Forbes warri.¢. This gives Ceristmes Customs in lends. Your Stete Cheirmen hes copies cf these to lend. mony. : SUGGESTIONS FOR LECER BER MEETING. sLe Enterteinaent - Tebloeus & Cerol Sincing. 2 .- Seuss : ©. Ghrictm.s Sheprins Tour, Resedin: Xmes Bulletin ‘be Christmes inimets Ror Aine Smas Bulletin Christmes f£nimels - Divide the srcun selectec for this stunt into two teems, one the Leins md the other, the Donkeys. Blindfold <11 the rleyers ena cive © hrndkerchief to the first person in the Loin tezgm which forms € line et one end of the reany, while.the Donkeys form © line *t the other enc. The object is to press & hendkerchief beek int fourth between the twe terms from nunber one cf the Lion terin.to the lest number ef the Donkey te:m so thet 4t is pesset Aje cone lly cercss' the room. When the lest Donkey receives it, he cerries it over to number two lion, to second last Lonkey, «nd so @n unttl all heve passed the hendkerchie®. Since one term is the Lions, they must roer sndtthe Lonkeys, hee-hev, So the.t members of hoth terms «re eyided to the oleyer with the he nd= kerchief vy these sounds. Sources of ediitionel weterialL: Parties plens and prosre:s, end Perties Plens end vrovrens for Sneciel deys by Ethel Bovers. Games for wiet hours end smell pleces, niblished by N.b.E. 315 Fourth avenue N.Y.C. 50¢ £ copy. Hand book for Kecre:tion Lesders, Wo. 231 Chidrens Puretu, Department of Labor, Veshington, .C. Sure Horie No» 61, Stunts No. 8 Free, axtention Dent. Conn. University, Storrs, Conn. Meiling Lept. Mess. atrte College, Amiuerst, Mess. Bullet ins 5¢ a cop Ye | ‘Our Own Connecticut Bulletin free 35 Reservoir Street, Bethyl, Connecticut. IC EeEREAKERS The Receiving Line Bach verson coming in goes throuch the receiving line and takes his place at the foot of it. For varistion each person has a slip of paner telling him how he must sheke hends; like « Frenchmen, &® person in high society, etc. . The LABYRINTH Winding up in-¢é spiral end then coming out of it sheking hends with everyone §&5 this: te done. Dimes Ten dimes in the pockets of ten different people. The one who is the twenty-second person,to sheke hends with « person. heaving & dime gets ite The Inquisition awainknne couples merch «round to music every min havinghé pertner @nd making ouble circle. & blest of whistle men about face, epirls stili merch- ine in. the. srme direction. t setond whistis every men té&kes his new poertner ent te Lks Eo er ror * minute end a helf. At the end of time the director mey heve £ coup le come to the center cndtell