: DECEMBER FESTIVITIES (continued) A Merry Christucs Perty prre Oe. "Rure1l Recrertion". N.R.&. snow Bports picnic’ vege 23 Denniscn'ts Brithdey Parties. “i Christies Party" - our library No. S. 1054. “Christmes Butletin" Reerertion Dept. Reeding Pe. Heve hed s number of requests for nagceants or pleys, some Sorc Ge. end mteriel ere: “# Cendiclight Service “ in December 1957 Women's Home Comprnion. You cén get "three Christmes Pesgeents, tchristmns Feceents" & "Christmes Mericnettes," from the Women's Home Compenion Service Burceu, 250 Ferk ivenue N.Y. taoob WiIbp TOMARD MEN" « short peccent, from Dec. 1937. Ec untry Home, Country Benticmen. 1. “Plentetion Celehretion “by Elizebeth Britton. &. "Tittlo Women in the Nevs", by : Génevene Forbes warri.¢. This gives Ceristmes Customs in lends. Your Stete Cheirmen hes copies cf these to lend. mony. : SUGGESTIONS FOR LECER BER MEETING. sLe Enterteinaent - Tebloeus & Cerol Sincing. 2 .- Seuss : ©. Ghrictm.s Sheprins Tour, Resedin: Xmes Bulletin ‘be Christmes inimets Ror Aine Smas Bulletin Christmes f£nimels - Divide the srcun selectec for this stunt into two teems, one the Leins md the other, the Donkeys. Blindfold <11 the rleyers ena cive © hrndkerchief to the first person in the Loin tezgm which forms € line et one end of the reany, while.the Donkeys form © line *t the other enc. The object is to press & hendkerchief beek int fourth between the twe terms from nunber one cf the Lion terin.to the lest number ef the Donkey te:m so thet 4t is pesset Aje cone lly cercss' the room. When the lest Donkey receives it, he cerries it over to number two lion, to second last Lonkey, «nd so @n unttl all heve passed the hendkerchie®. Since one term is the Lions, they must roer sndtthe Lonkeys, hee-hev, So the.t members of hoth terms «re eyided to the oleyer with the he nd= kerchief vy these sounds. Sources of ediitionel weterialL: Parties plens and prosre:s, end Perties Plens end vrovrens for Sneciel deys by Ethel Bovers. Games for wiet hours end smell pleces, niblished by N.b.E. 315 Fourth avenue N.Y.C. 50¢ £ copy. Hand book for Kecre:tion Lesders, Wo. 231 Chidrens Puretu, Department of Labor, Veshington, .C. Sure Horie No» 61, Stunts No. 8 Free, axtention Dent. Conn. University, Storrs, Conn. Meiling Lept. Mess. atrte College, Amiuerst, Mess. Bullet ins 5¢ a cop Ye | ‘Our Own Connecticut Bulletin free 35 Reservoir Street, Bethyl, Connecticut.