IC EeEREAKERS The Receiving Line Bach verson coming in goes throuch the receiving line and takes his place at the foot of it. For varistion each person has a slip of paner telling him how he must sheke hends; like « Frenchmen, &® person in high society, etc. . The LABYRINTH Winding up in-¢é spiral end then coming out of it sheking hends with everyone §&5 this: te done. Dimes Ten dimes in the pockets of ten different people. The one who is the twenty-second person,to sheke hends with « person. heaving & dime gets ite The Inquisition awainknne couples merch «round to music every min havinghé pertner @nd making ouble circle. & blest of whistle men about face, epirls stili merch- ine in. the. srme direction. t setond whistis every men té&kes his new poertner ent te Lks Eo er ror * minute end a helf. At the end of time the director mey heve £ coup le come to the center cndtell