Che recters . Response eo ? The King Grer-r-Pr-Lrer- be Feat Daughter Ke -plunk ce. Thin Daughter Whistle d. Besutiful Deughter bal Rm eb A Ot e, Hendsome Prince ‘hehe | fF. Geilloping Horse &1l me ke @s.llop- ing noise with fect. Narre tive There was once € king with * terrible temper, (Grer-r.) He had three deughters » The eldest was. very fer (Ki =plupk) 5 the second wes exceedingly thin ey but the youngest wes very berutiful. beens Wow is «.nezrby country there Lived +. hendsgmg prince (Shes. one dey Re ceme Eo the pe lece OF Ene king with,s terrible tynper (Gp-p-r),) lI Reve come ," soid née; “bo seek + -ife Smoug your deughters ( Ke-plunk" vhistle, -atech). First he wes presented +o the eldest and, well, the herviest deushter (Kreplunig). Then eppeered the druchter who wes very thin (Whistle). | She did not pieese him either, rnd he seid, Wea # herrd thet you hed © young end bet ubiful drughtert "well," ceme the reply, ttosnnot love your oldest deugh* er (Kesplunk), «nd Idon't like your thin 7 ughter Whistle)" 5 } Just then on tho st! irwey epoe: red the ounces he most eerutiful qe UehGer (g-f-ehl). Reoture Prilled the of the hrndisoze prince (ahehet), end he cried, bid heert 5 His words eres tly will trke your younzcst deuchter 3% a s s ye e434 ‘4 tt sneered the king with : terrible, temper (Gr-E- CALL out the cu‘eds, " he thundered, nESuPET md out tnis upstert of & nrince!" (aehe Y) But the suitor immedietely seized in. his ¢rms the willine princess pore). WEER her he rushed out. When the royel court reached the doer, vil Cay eould soe wis # cloud of dust re ised by tue hobte of the gi Llopine ners’. (Gelloping sounds which gredurlly die WET) So ends the romentic tr le of the king with the terrible temper (Grer-!, his fet de ughter (Ke plunk) y ee thin di ughter (Whistle). and the youngest snd most ber utiful ae ycauter (net eth), end the hendsome prince (h-hi 1); with the’ g Llioping horse (sounds with feet).