Singing Round the Yeer. Divide olsyers into two grouns. Toss 6 coin to decide Which one sterts. The first etm sings « song suitable to Jenurry, the other sings one for Februery, &nd so on. The point is given for etch successful complete sone. If a teem fails to sing within one minute efter the other team stops, one point is given to the other teem, with the privilere of singing e suiteble song. es | -Seeled Orders. An order should be delivered to eech guest; duly foldéd in légel fashion @ng seeled with a lerge red se@l beering the neme of the person ta whom it is to be delivered. These orders are to be opened by each guest in turn and the orders cérried out. 1, Sing a duet with 8, Tell a good joke 2. Pley 8 piano solo -9, eke a caroon of yourself 3s Compose « 6 line poem 1@- Recite a piece you leerned 4, Describe the most beeutiful | .« In-sehool days wunset you héve ever seen ll. &dvise a youn men hov to propose 5. Trim a hat (For & man) 1B. Imitate © Chinese leundry- 6. Dress ® doll (For a men) advertising his business 7. Impressions of a base bell 13. Imitete ¢ lady féstening & dress geme (For & girl) thet buttons uo the beck (For a men) He _ 14, Imitete & men. feStening & “eollar buttons (For « cirl) Timely Tonics mey follow. EHech guest is given.e pencil end sheet of never with the seme story typed on it end tolA to under- score every word releting to time. Afterwerd the hostess reeds the story indiceétine the words which should ‘heve been underscored, and eech guest marks his omissions. A&A celender brize mev. be swerded the one with the feviest omissions. The Key storv. follows, with ell time words in itelics:r "On kondey night I celled up Mery, I said, "ere you coming to my Nev Yeer's verty?” “Vhen?! she — saked. (“On Seturdsy mlent.\ “Whet til. —e then’ Oly play. games end meke # reguler night of 445° TET let you, enor in « little while, wren mother comes home. She went tevev yesterdse v3 She should be beck now. I'm expecting her tny minute. ‘het time will the verty begin?” "kt nine otclock, promptly. Come eerlyve. "371 you have refreshments?" “Yes; cheése ‘ni dete sendwiches . fell nuts, wefers, such es fFivesotclock tess, fna Tee creem. "“Heve you any timely suggestions?" Yet unless you went to heve & re- guler dinner, with Spring 1: tab end eerly June pets end things of thet sort." "N, 1 Waitt hive. ti me to bother with thet I'll be busy up to the lest second. T’Wrnt something I cen prepere quickly end serve €€ once. Cell me £8 Soon &S your mother comes homé. Do come over early #nd help." “T'IT be on time, but I'll see you some time before then. ‘'e've seen $c iittle of etch other istely. ‘ITYT GeTl you this evening. Good-bye." A new Yeerts Téble. Heve the dete.of the new yeer in the center ST THe tEhIG in red or green flowers. In the center of the table elso heve « Nev VYeer's eekxe with « thimble, ¢ bit of money «nd @ Sine invite Been oneches © siteée,. and the fun begins when the finder of the ring is ennounced es being sure to wed soon, the. finder of the thimble to stey unwed, end the lucky one who cuts ‘ the money to héve = future of weéelth. Seo flso: Gemes Adept ble to Many Holideys, List... Sones, bist. D. Muster 1 Grimes, List RB. Nobes The Lists referred to will be found in the front of the book."Pertics fot bpecis 1 Holidry-Edne Bowers" | CELENDAR PARTI“S. Jen.--Hirthdey Cruise-Feb.-"ho's who verty- Merch- Of vo the rauceseAprileTon Prt perty-liey-Round the Nerry Maypole» June-Foonlight Me squere de-July~Ber eh Frolie-hug-Dog deys ea The Gey Ninetics-Oet .-Suverst ition Cs nort-Nev-Footbe ll Perty- Snow Sperts Pienicee-Prrty Gece San Vellarye. "Denis ons” c+ he Keay “ev to do it.