YSE OF HLarHLayd Suegestions for Teems - Seeting for suppers - Suoper Calender Social, ete he Be. - os e To form teéms 1. €. No of Tefms 12 - one for e&ch month. b. Methods: (1) 4&11 “hose hirthdsys tre in Jen. £o to one corner of the room. Those in Feh. to enother snot, etc. It “ould be helpful but not necesst*ry, to heve the nme of the month written or vorinted on e cerd bor rd end Aisoleyed nt the plece where erch crouv is to meet. 12 .eroupnse “re formed. (2) skssien ¢ femilier tune to etch month end herve every one &t the ssme time sing or hum the tune essigned to the month of their hipth. ALL those singinr the sfme tune frou covetnenr, Those in the Fonth in which the entire groun cet | tosether first - Wins. moe te a. OT Der is ee Jen, Fob. Mer. - Teen 1 Lyril bey June - Term & July Aug Sept - Teemss Oct Nov Dec. - Teem 4 b. Methods: Proceed the seme +s (1) or (£2) in 1 ¢ebove. Sugrestions fer tunes: Team 1. Jingle Bells Teem 2. Here Comes the Bride, or "Old Grey Bonnett". Term 3. In the Good Old Sumer Time. Toor 4. deilt Heilt the Geng is here or “Auld Leng Syne". Jenuery .- Jingle Bolls, Fohrurry- Let mc Cell You Sweetheert. ue roh -~ “orrine of the Green. #oril -~ Loril Shovers. Mey - 'Nesth the Shede of the Old Anrle Tree. June - «““Here Comes the Bride." July -~ "yenkee Doodle.” UG 6 - Good. 01d Sumner Tine. Sent. = "Behool Deys." Oat s - "He rvest Moon.” NOV. - Ceme ye Thenktful Peonle Come. Dec. - Silent Nicht. Renguet Seetings: 1. Use the methods discribed in forming teens end seet them ©s succested under D. in suppers. or EB. us tm Celender Secial. snnnces Heve a teble for-esch month with one ertiele of food renrosentive of ef ch wonth or &. couplete metl with evvronricte teol sittines. Heve sll whose birthdey ‘re in thet month sit et the te bie ef thet month. Cr linder soeiel: snvoint 2 hostcusses for etch teble heving one te’ for orch month. “hich is decorrteda to represent the menth with prc teble settings :nd center vicce. kech hostess invites 1Q or 8 or eny number decided en for cech teble. Prevides refreshnents frequ sindriches cok: «nd bevert.ze Fre served. 1. Hevoe etch table sing € seng er put on & stunt. Vote en the be preformences. ©. Veto vither cs & money mé king scheme or without money for the most envropi:tc decorstiens. ctunts auecested 1A Bi sre pnnreniete for ‘ny sctivitvs