Setting: The setting for this musice1l novelty cen be mede Bs staple or es els torate ©s one desires. If presented ‘stage or pletfrorm corn and ¢rein shueks, sutunn tenves ony hey, vihes, on kins and other tokens of the hervest sePpon ern be effectively used. «# meon and rustic fence slso hve their pleces. . Costumes: Members of the yurrtette ere gostumed in old Slothes with hey protruding from holes sna vetches in their elothing. Arms ¢nd hends extend streight out to the sides. ff Hhe croun is. to.sing for © very lone time this posture 4s difficult to hold, se it is edviseble to give etch singer ¢ broom hrndle or “ooden, norrow stick which cfn be ingerted shroush both cort sleeves to serve fe Fn tim rest. action: at the beginning of the ect & clock might loudly Strike 12. If you heve ecess to « stiac the clock could chime before the perting curtsin discloses the f:11 setting, the effect of which is srestly improved by proper lighting. One. by one efch sc: recrov shows, some sion of life. phey might’ very briefly discuss the boredom end discust the cx- perienced in st:ndins still dry ‘iter dey. This eventue lly leeds to & suggestion thet they bret.k forth in sons. They proceed to sing such fevorite melodies is "invening in the Moonlight," (Itis ulweys Fir "e¢ther, “hon Good, Fellevws Get Together, Heil, Heil, tho Gne's LL HERS 4 end, others. You might find somcone in yeur midst who is good €t perodics. The following songs mry suggest possibilitics of this ne ture. Tune: ‘key Dowm Yonder in the Corn Ficl1a" lst seerecrow;: Oh, smc folks ec: ll mc Setrecrov Stn, h11: - Wey down yonder in the, corn ficld. gnd scrercerow: “icll, my nrme's Wild Bill, So) it. em, bil “ey down yonder in the corn ficld. Sra setreerov: Wo stend rnd we stind end we stend «ll dey folk "ey down yonder in the corn ficld. 4th secrceroyv:s To sci recrow reckotcers wey beh, ‘icy down yonder in the corn field. Cho rus by ¢ll: “ey down, wey down, Wey dewn yonder in the: “" gopn Field. | Let’ wetlye sleved end sleved sines we vere born, ends f To uphold the stendsrds of this corn, Orgs °o: But now we setrecrovs heve gur acy 4th: For we hrve joined the P.T-t.. Chorus by ¢1l: wey down, wey down, wey down yonder in the : corn ficld. Tune: "In the hvening by the’ Meonlisht In the evening by the meonlicht ell we scerecrevs cet together, For our Se:recrows! Union it must weet, ng mettcr whet the worether Then ve telk ef world conditions, fer relief,