A SUAL CUitb PORK Fete BOSS Ahousewite, 18 discovered coufertebly serted in « chair reading & dnily newspbper. She is soon jaterrunted zy &-loud | Imozk on the door. She edmits ¢ salesmen end during the coursé of the sonversetion With him learns about &@ new invention that he hes for sele -- ifn reality it is only 2 defleted toy rubber bellson; She is inférmed thet the invention is ¢ sure cure for = felsehoods. If it. is pleced on the well it will expend every~ time semeone tells « "fib." She tells him she does not, end wilh not, believe such nonsense» Eventuelly, however, she becouss interested in it when the st.lesman reduces the priceend joerpueses her bo try 16 on her husbend. Finslly she purche ses poe nd hones Goon 6 sereun Or curtein so thet © person vate¢se sen, inflete or deflete the belloon es the stunt is < ri oresented 8 Demonstrete the machine by ple ying Truth & Consequences <1 te Redio. Divide group into tenes. If the e:ptein of the teem dces not enswer correctly for the teem in le secands the 146 detector Will inflete. If correctly enswered nothing heppens. (N.B.) (I cttech & squewker to the belloon for local color.) nes Ty’ ae a: IQ Lfter the skit is finished heve the terms thet did not enswer correctly pry the ponnlty,. 48< Life siver recor pees 2. Life, stver fron person to person t Lone the «line without using your hends but by merns of © tooth pick in the msuth. arrenge line thusly-1 teal, ec enorme, 6 veil, 4 short, etc. Tortise Rece=- Tie & string to erch pdiano leg or like so thes the tortise stands streight e one end cn flooor end resting cgrinst the leg when the string is put through the whole in the tortise herd. Mr ke the tortise trevel the string to you end beck to the leg. The husbend returns snd his wife esks him meny questions ¢s to where he hes been. His enswers fre ¢11 fe lsehoeds. The balloon expends with ¢fch revly. © The, troubled wife then. tells him of her eftsrnoon purchase, pointing out the bse lloon. He is astonished «nd bewildered rnd shks her if she never in her life told « felsehood. When she enswers no, the unseen property men infletes the bellceon until it bursts. References in the questions end enswers to people in the cudience cdds to the hilerity end fun of this inpromptu skit.