FORTUNES The fortunes which cre written on bleck cets with white ink ere placed in ¢ witch's efldron". Before refreshments the “witch mey allow each persen to rerch into the ee ldren to lesrn whet the brew hes in sterse fer them. The following fortunes mey be used: You weuld like an euts end are wondering whet you ceuld get in the wey of « good ones; 1 see & 00 bump. There will be slight distrubenees «nd uprisings ‘round you: but only will you be baking bresd. | Yeu heve « very pleesing menner with you, «nd cen brighten things up wonderfully fer your friends: especielly sifverwere, previdins you hrve « good kind ef polish. * * i, chenge will occur which will effect you: srertly: the therenoneter drepping ¢ number of degrecs will cruse this. I see ¢ suddérm trip in store for you: Likely dovn celler steps tonoppey, : : Good luck wili follow yeu «ll the rest of your lifes but will never overtake you. You will figure conspicueusly in « liter ry shere : mest liiely « sudden fr1l over & pile of boeks. You ere very tmbitious #nd «sire hich, end I see you rerching the top of the kdder: heuse-clerning time when you frre henging curte.ins. You will come before the publie frequently, rnd will be .¢ .gpeder: most likely in Jerving- stréet cere or erowded buildings. : | 2. I see ehecks innumer: ble comings yeur wey: yeu will to- morrow mest sone ene with « checked dress on. ‘The fature helds sregter things fer you: yeu will find then by going to «ny herdwere store. — : oe You sre very fond ef wrtcr, tnd it here clw:ys been the height of your rmbition te trke + weter trip. I see such ¢ trip eoning your wey shortl. 5 over fF. peid of Weber. . You ‘re of « music+1 turn: (if you. hed to you ceuld wind up phonogr:p h without injury to yourself. 2 - You: 2PO -VOry shreyd in pusinesf'm ters, skillful in the meyecement of others, heving « desire te shine: «nd will, efter weshing. your. fre¢e with seepe~ . Yeu will «ge slowly; every twelve menths will «dd only snother yoor te your lif eee , You will be very «ctive in goci: 1 wndertr kings, but will not be fble to keep yeur plice with the others, © pelished floer crusins your aovnfs lle Gen! yer