Tellers: Mrs. John E. Beck, Chairman, Emporia. Mrs. J. A. Hoch, Emporia. F. E. Smith, Emporia. Mrs. Wm. Lovett, McPherson. Mrs. E. T. Beck, Dwight. Timekeeper: A- K. Ramy, Emporia. LOCAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Housing—Mrs. C. F. Knouse. Transportation—Mrs. A. L. Carlson. Hospitality—Mrs. Wilford Riegle. Conference and District Meeting—Mrs. D. D. Starling. Election Arrangements—Mrs. John E. Beck. Processional and Penny Parade—Mrs. Leo Markowitz. Platform Arrangements—Mrs. F. A. Knoepple and Mrs. J. W. Herron. Music—Mrs. L. E. Barry. Invocations—Mrs. Wood Bloxam. Breakfasts—Mrs. A. H. Thomas. Group Luncheons—Mrs. 8S. A. Wagner. Awards Luncheon—Mrs. Elmer Siedhoff. Courtesy Dinner—Mrs. R. D. Marsh. Convention Dinner—Mrs. P. R. Woodbury. Finance—Mrs. Herbert R. James. Radio—Mrs. K. A. Hoffmans. Pages and Ushers—Miss Hope Vandever and Miss Vada Faye Crawford. Tickets— KANSAS CONGRESS OF PARENTS AND TEACHERS 1943 CONVENTION RULES 1. Delegates must present credential cards and register at the Registration desk in the Junior High School promptly, where, upon payment of $1.00 fee, badges will be issued. 2. Sessions will begin promptly at the hour announced and delegates are requested to be prompt at all sessions. 3. Order must be kept at all times. 14