FRIDAY }CRNING--fUS202 LIG2 S05 Presiding, Mrs, B. W. rms, , State Precidsnt 9:00 A.M. Wusio«.}Junicr Giei Ciriet Gee ve, Parenter ts CO TU es ' Devotions--lirs. a. 5. 2¢e9, Teno: Divi iet Lirector, tA Pareble For Mothers.” Business Session Reports: ' Election Teller--Mrs. John E. Beckyvasirmia "The Report of the Election Committee.” Yotine Delegates registered ~+++--+-++<<++--+--+ 321 Votes Cast--------------- on ee ee ene nee 98 Second Vice-President-Mrs. Winters~----~------- 98 Fourth Vice-President-Harry Dawdy----- ween 98 Sixth Vice-President--Mrs. Wm. DownS---<------ 98 Signed: ' Mrs. John E. Beck, Chairman Mts. BE. T. Beck Mrs. J. We. Oursier Mrs. Wood Bloxom ure Pf. Be Gaith Penny Parade for Student Aid, by Mrs. H. C. McVey Explanation of Student Aid given by Mrs. McVey Amount received from Parade--$22.15 Resolution for Plans elative to a future Convention presented to Convention Boiv by Harry Law’y. Motion to adopt. (C..WRIED--APPENLIX) 9:20 A.M. Address--"Thne Seccniacy Scnools Buildi for Tomorrow", L. W. Brooks, Principal High School East, Wichita. 10:00 A.M. Symposium--"The P.T.A. in Wartime." Leader----- Mrs, ™ W. Emery, State President Progran--M.s. Leroy Arrold Publicatic: *: