é Closing--Parent-Teacher Praver, in Unison. PARENT+TEACEER PRAYER Heavenly Father-- We come to Thee‘for wia@dom tc uiwer stand cur children and patience to lives. work, and shav.: cur’ lives with:them. ‘Grant us power to guard their usaith, education, recrea~ tion, and spiritual development and to muke them strong in body, mind and heart. ‘ Teach us to love ovr neighbor, that our children may learn tolerance and that there may be peace among nations. Free us from fear, that our coursuze may make our homes a haven of security Yor those we 1770. Strengthen us to endure whatever hardship and sacrifice may come, and in Thy good time iift us from vuhe burden of war, Fill our hearts with faith that to our loved ones in service Thou wilt be a refuge; to ow’ flag, a promise; to our country a fortress. ’ Consecrate us to our tasks, and bless us that we may bless all children everywhere. GOD BLESS AMERICA God bless America, land that I-love. Stand beside her and guide her, Thrut the night with a light from:above. From the mountains to the praries, . To the ocean, white with foam. : God bless America; my home sweet home God bless America, my home sweet home. TAPS POST CONVENTION MEETING OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THR KANSAS CONGRESS OF PARENTS AND TEACHERS APRIL 16, 1943, EMPORTA, KANSAS. The Post Convention meeting of the Board of Managers of the Kansas Congress of Parents and Teachers was held in the Blue Room of the Broadview Hotel, Emporia, Kansas, Friday, April 16, 1943. Called to order by the President, Mrs. HE. W, Emery. A prayer was offered by Mrs. A. D. Lowe. The Call was read and Agenda passed.. : é s i . . ‘ ’ Members present were: Mrs. E. W. Emery, Mrs. W. R. Loder, Mrs, Geo. Winters, W. M. Richards, Harry Dawdy, Mrs, C. Bs Sherwood, Mrs; Leroy Arnold, Mrs, Wm.’Downs, Mrs, Ben McCamant, W, T. Mark- ham, Mrs. G. Goodson Wright, Mrs. J. W.’Oursler, Mrs, James FE. Siler, Mrs. M Erickson, Mrs. E. T. Beck, Mrs, John N. Daly, Mrs, A. E. Stockebrand, Mrs, J. W. Hutchison, Mrs. Fred C. Barber, Mrs. V. E. Kysar,’Mrs. Arthur Leach, Jess Vague, Mrs, A. D. Lowe, Mrs, ‘ Matt Scherer, Mrs. D. D. Harbaugh, Helen Wagstaff, Mrs. Jesse Wire, Mrs, Jesse Crawford, Lucile Rust, Mrs. Leo Stewart.