APPOINTMENT OF BUDGET CCMMITTES The President appointed Mrs, McCamant, WW. T. Markham, and Mrs, Loder to the Budger Committoc. Mrs. Marvin Lay, 412 North Vernon), solvnsis, Kansas, was announced as the £th District Director. SHLECTION OF PRESIDENTS ALTERNATE ON MATTONAL BOARD OF MANAGERS Motion by Mrs. McCamant that Mrs. W. R. Loder be appointed as the Presidents Alternate. (CARRIED) By common consent, is was dcocided to invite next years nominee to the Pre-Board of Managers meeting. A suggestion was presented by W. M. Richards to canvas the distriéts for people of previous teaching experience, who might re-enter the teaching profession so as to relieve the shortage of teachers, names to be presented to Boards of Education. By common consent the President was instructed to advise the District Directors, ADJOURNED. APPEND IX RESOLUTION WHEREAS: because of the unsettled conditions caused by war which may result in further restrictions and regulations regarding travel and convention accommodations; and, WHEREAS: the Kansas Congress of Parents and Teachers would wish ‘to comply with whatever regulations are necessary for the successful condict of the war; therefore, BE IT RESOLV=D: that the Congress, in Convention assembled, empower and authorize the Executive Committee ~ to determine the expediency of calling the 1944 Convention, and subsequent conventions for the duration; and in the’event that such conventions will not be feasible, to further empower and direct the Executive Committee to formulate and execute a plan to conduct a ballot by mail for the selection of officers and whatever other business is necessary.