December 4, 1945 | Mr. Dan Partner Sports Desk Kansas City Star Kansas City 8, Missouri Dear Dan: | I was attacked last night with a severe case of laryngitis. I may have to — to thaseRotarians in Kansas City Thursday noon. - I thought I would have this stuff in shape but I find that I am not going to, so I am sending you a rough draft of stuff that I have dictated. Some of it I may use and some of it I may not use. There is other stuff they will use that i know for a certainty now, but I am just barely able to hold my head above water and should be in bed, I will refer to Grantland Rice's article on Page 45 of the Football Guide, a copy of which I am sending to you, I am sorry I cannot be more explicit but I have a class every morning at 9:30 A.Ms and coaching in the afternoon. We are having so many returned ‘veterans who come in for confer=_ ence that most of my administrative day is taken up with these _returning boys, many from other schools far removed from here. As head of the Department of Physical Education, it is my duty to advise those boys on the major that they expect to take for their master's degree in Physical Education. .. This stuff is just a little better than nothing but I will try to tie it together go that ait won't be too hetergensous. he With all good wishes. Sinesrely, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. FPCA:MF