November 7, 1945 f Mre Den Partner Sports Desk | Kansas City Star Kansas City, Missouri Dear Dan: ‘4 was quite sure that I had antographed a copy of "Better basketball" for you because I had a conversation with Dr. Feete concerning you when I sent it. I had persumed that it had been misplaced and ! was happy to — send you another. I am glad that you are going to handle the basket~ — ; ball coverage for the Star this Winter. I know that it : _ ° ‘@i11 be done in your usual highly efficient coverage . of this game. ) ; e Regarding Gene “etersen, It is a rather interesting ‘angle. Gene wanted to study veterinary medicine. He had visited personally with Louie Menze at 4mes and he also made a trip to Manhattan to visit Coach Fritz Knorr, as well as writing Ohio State. Nebraska does not have _ a veterinary course, mrither does Kansas but he states this he has always wanted to come to Kansas even during his high school days. — Confidentally at this moment, when he came down to Lawrence and paid his own expenses I sold him on the _ larger influence that he would have and the greater service that he could render as a medical doctor. His highest g S wore 98 and his lowest was &4. He had 95 in’ chemistry so you can see that his future long after his college days were over was the thing that he was seriously considering. | | ; This is also confidental to you. Gene Petersen wrote me two letters neither of which I answered. When he wrote me the first one and I refused to answer he wrote me the second saying, "I think I know why you didn’t answer my letter." | ay Pat ‘enny, a newspaper reporter, wio was then writing Hill stuff for the Journal World came by here on her roundse I pulled the two letters our of the desk drawer where I had lain them and said, "Yat, her is some news which you cannot print.” Pat is the sports editor of the University Daily Kansan at the present time. She looked m 4 at them and said, "Well; I can write him, Can't I?" And she wrote him on her Phi Pi stationery. s u y ba eae si ; Mr. Dan Partner, November 7, W4Bvcicccrecsccaceseccasesvet . I do not want to do this at the present time because I want to let the "brothers" guess but I wanted you to know the story. When we get together I will be able to spin some good yarns with you. With all good wishe®, I am Yours very sincerely, N rd 9 Director of Physical. Education, Varsity Basketball Coach e FCA: Li THE KANSAS CITY STAR. MORNING EVENING SUNDAY WEEKLY KANSAS CITY 17, M0. Tuesday Dear Phog: I'm begging forgiveness....In unpacking our household goods that have been in storage since December of '42 I found a handsomely | autographed copy of Better Basketball." and so I'm fétuming the copy I borrowed. Thank reas + < eres the short visit in the office and am ‘Acvking forward to a long session of shooting the breeze with you....1'm scheduled to handle the bounce-bounce coverage for The Star this winter so will be running into you often,I hope.....What's the dope: on the be an-po le center I hear you "swiped" from the dear old U. of Neb.??? Let me hear from you. Best regards, September 12, 1945 ‘Mr. Arthur G. Peterson 5421 South 29th St. South Omaha, Nebraska Dear ‘Arthur 3 I have just finished talking with your mother this morning. Iam sorry that I could not get you because’ I was going to tell you that the information contained in Dean Thompson's letter is erroneous. According to conference rules you are eli- | gible to play in any-Fall, Winter, or Spring sport when you enter school, There is no requirement that makes it necessary for you to complete two semesters with twenty-four hours credit. Why an official in any institution, with full knowledge of the rules, would make such a statement dumbfounds me, — I looked up the eligibility rules and the interesting thing was that Dean Thompson made the motion that during the war the one year residence eligibility rule was to be discontinued. It was seconded by Professor Craft of the University of Oklahoma. So it is very clear indeed. 5 I have looked at the copy of your transcript and I want to compliment you on your very excellent grades. You are a splendid student and we are very proud to have such a student and athlete as you here at the University. , Doubtless some people may say that you are coming to the _University for the purpose of playing basketball. You should be “Wery sure to disabuse anyone's mind of this fact when you are such a fine student. : . When you come to the University, Sept. 18, come into Robin- son Gymnasium to the office of Physical Education where you will find me, and where we shall be very happy to make every arrangement for your room and other student facilities. Please let me know the tine of arrival in Lawrence, and whether by train or bus. With ll good wishes, I an, : : / Sincerely yours, Forrest C. Allen Director, Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach FCA:med October 6, 1945 Mr. Max Patrick, Sports Editor The Associated Fress Star Building Kansas City, Missouri Dear Skipper Patrick: During our short and pleasant discussion last Thursday afternoon I forgot to relate to you that I was the founder of the National Association of Basketball Coaches. The coaches association was formed as a protest of the Rules Committee deleting the dribble without discussing it with the coaches. I was the first research chairman of both the Goaches Association and Rules Body. I also promoted Nasmith Night for the purpose of giving Dr. Nasmith a honorarium for his services to the game of basketball as originated. Dr. -Nasmith had not been frugal financially and had lost his home in the first Warld War. This act was to restore his home ‘and to give him some ready cash in jiis older days. We presented him a check for $7400 and some odd dollars. This amount together with his retirement fund from the university left him comfortably situated. I also got basketball as a regular sport in the Olympic games. In 1936 Dr. Nasmith's sport was one of the regular events of competition at Berlin. In 1940 the games were to be in Tokyo but the war interrupted that, of course. — I only’ mention these things because I thought perhaps you would write something on themsat some time. Also you might want to kiow about them so if anything camp up in your writing you could have access to this sketchy background that I have given you. If at anytime in the future you want to discuss these points I will be happy to give them to you. With all good wishes. I an, ( Sincerely, MG Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach FCA: 1m THE ASSOCIATED PRESS STAR BUILDING KANSAS CITY, MO. OeTi 2)" DR» FORREST Us ALLEN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, LAWRENCE, KANSAS DEAR DR. ALLEN, | WOULD LIKE TO TALK WITH YOU FOR ABOUT A HALF HOUR THURSDAY AFTERNOON IF CONVENIENT WITH YOU, | WANT To TALK WITH YOU ABOUT SEVERAL THINGS. {| UNDERSTAND | 1T WAS ABOUT 40 YEARS AGO THAT YOU ENTERED K.U. . | a | THINK THAT YOU HAVE DONE AS MUCH FOR COLLEGE BASKETBALL — AS ANY MAN IN THE NATION, CERTAINLY MORE THAN ANYONE IN THOS SECTION. IF IT 1S OK wiTH You, 1'LL BE OVER AROUND NOON THURSDAY FOR A CHAT. KEGARDS, id PATRICK, SPORTS ED MAX “SKIPPER" 4d | lo, (9 FE Have: 4 ee any dang CFer with EO C/T CE Zo Fee So ey o7of Ji Laie a late ot Our Way i Jor Saal’ to Pte le iba tian at Ryser Shihan Sa srk a talteitnerebebsehs, 5/5 ai é, . : 7 " ae r 3 { i i ‘ e, ONS BR arD a Remwr Milas deny 4, ymca tH FLIG Ss Sent 5, / PAS ie FLESH dune 5, 1946 The Portland Cement Association 547 Madison Avenue New York,. New York Gentlemen: Please send us your pamphlet called - “Pennis Courts for AlleYeer Sports". Sincerely, Henry Shenk - Assistant Professor HSsMP Ct of Physical Education . é April 30, 1946 Mre Ae Ge Peterson 845 Missovri Lewrence, Kansas Dear Gene: I have missed seeing you around the office now and then. It has been so darn long since I have seen you that I wish you would stop in sometime to say hello and visit for a few minutes. I hope that you are getting along swell. Sincerely, : Director of Physical Education, FCAsMF Varsity Basketball Coach. Warch 22, 1946 4 Mre Ray S. Pierson Peoples National Bank Building Burlington, Kansas . Dear Ray: Just a note to let you know I received your fine letter of the 2nd of March and, of course, your check for the Oklahoma basketball tickets. It was swell that you could be in Norman for the game and I, too, am sorry that we did not get to sey hello afterwards, Thanks for your congratulations and respects. We are regretful that we could not turn the tables on the Oklahoma Aggies, but there will be another daye I sincerely hope that you son is recovering rapidly and that, if you have taken him to the Mayo Glinic, you have been able to discover his trouble. I hope he soon will be on the road to recovery. Sincerely yours, . Director of Ph; sical Education, PCA:MF Varsity Basketball Coach. Te RAY S. PIERSON LAWYER PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING BURLINGTON, KANSAS OFFICE 214 RES. 145 Mareh 2nd, 1946 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: Received the two tickets to the Oklahoma game and arrived at the game just as the National Air was being played. Ray, Jr. and I had two choice seats in the eenter of the Court on the opposite side from where you were sitting. Our train was almost two hours late and the train we left on was exactly on time and we saw all except the last few minutes of the game. I certainly want to congratulate you and your squad Sn-your splendid victory that was so well earned. You were playing against a dirty team that elbowed, shoved, charged and hacked every chance they had and it seemed to me as though the officials called -cmmgmas about one-half of the fouls they could have called on Oklahoma. On the other hand, they called them mighty close on your boys. The crowd was the largest group of poor sports T ever heard. If Oklahoma treats all of their officials in this manner, I don't see how they can induce any self-respecting official to work one of their games. My fifteen-year-old son has been in the hospital for three weeks and is slightly better. However, I am taking him up to Mayo'ts next week. He apparently is suffering from the after effects of the flu. that he had last Thanksgiving and has some form of sleeping. sickness. T had him over at Emporia under the treatment of two of their leading doctors and they dontt seem to know what is wrong with him. They talk about a tumor on his brain, of virus infection and possibly Parkinson's @isease. We are taking him to the Mayo Clinic to try to find out. He seems to be all okay physically and is growing like a mushroom. Hinclosed herewith is my check for $5.00 to take care of those basketball tickets and what is left, I want you to buy a loud colored necktie down at Carl's or wherever you want to buy it and maybe it will bring you luck when you take on Henry Ibats team at Kansas city this month if he doesn't run out on you (which I think he Wild). My boy got a great kick out of the game at Norman the other night RAY S. PIERSON LAWYER aoe PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING TEL. (RES. 145 BURLINGTON, KANSAS | 2e--Dr. Forrest Cc. Allen and it seemed to have done him more good than any medicine he has taken, Thanking you again for the tickets and regretting that we did not get to say hello to you and thank you in person, and with kindest personal regards, I am RSP: CJ ‘ March 20, 1946 Phi Delta Theta 1409 Tennessee Lawrence, Kansas Dear Fellows: . I want you to know that we of the ‘basketball squad appreciate your fine wire sent to us at the Mushlebach Hotel. Bven though we did not win, it is -guch support coming from a chapter as yours that means much, not only to the members of the squad who belong to your fraternity, but to every member . of our squade | : | Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, ~ FOAsMP Varsity Basketball Coach. 1 ne ere \ \ E S ] E RN - - a This is a full-rate DL=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- = cae its de- NL=Night Letter erred character is in- aio. io le aa dicated by a suitable , ieee C symbol above or. pre- f f, NLT =Cable Night Letter edi h SS. ceding the addr A. N. WILLIAMS ia Ship Radiogram J ft RAAL The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. ‘Ym ofr KR60 308LAWRENCE KANS 18 248p UNIV KANS BASKETBALL TEAMS CARE FC ALLEN MUEHLEBACH HOTEL KSC# WE KNOW YOU'RE THE BEST= NOW YOU SHOW THE OTHERS» EVERY PHI DELT AT KU WILL BE ‘IN THE AUDITORIUM WATCHINGs YOU PIN BACK THE AGGTES EARS» LETS GO GANGS PHY DELTA THETAs THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE March ll, 1946 Mre Je Dy Paget . Contractor and Builder ae 3911 Cambridge Kansas City, Kansas Deer lire Pagets I am sorry that I cannot favor you with passes for the Kansas@Oklahoma Aggie basketball game, : _ There are no passes issued for this game and besides _, the entire allottment of the tickets that came to the University . of Kansas have been sold out. Yes, I venusbér you very well anc I would be glad to ace commodate you if it were within my power. I am the coagh of the Varsity basketball team end have nothing to do with the disposie tion of the tickets, The tickets are handled by the Athletic’ Financial Office, of which Mr. E. Ce Quigley is the Director of. Athletics and Mr, Earl Falkenstein is the Financial Secretary. I regret that -this sondition exists end only wish that it _ were possible for me to extend to you some courtesy that wovld ‘ bee within my power. 3 ; Sincerely yours, \A | Director of Physical. Education, PCA MP Varsity. Basketball Coach. “Merch 7, 1946 Mr, Ernest Pontius ' Chamber of Commerce Wren Building Lawrenee, Kansas Dear Ernie : I will work on your team but I am too darn busy to sit around the Chamber of Commerce at ten o'clock next Monday waiting on three or four prospect cards, Just pick out the ones you want me to call on and I will do it, And doing it means doing it for you. _ I am sure you will understund how darn busy IT am with the trillion and one things I have to take care of, Sincerely, é Director of Physical Education, FOA:MP Varsity Basketball Coach. Chamber oF Commetce WREN BUILDING Lawrence, Kansas Officers Curis Krart, President Soton G. Ayers, Ist Vice-President Jor J. Witson, 2nd Vice-President Liste Expy, Treasurer a Grorce Heprick, Secretary _ University of Kansas / City . Dear Dr. Allen Mareh 6, 1946 This letter, like the eeming Chamber of Commerce membership campaign, is short and to the point. The afore-mentioned campaign for '46 will be a two=team, two-day affair with the kickoff coffee and doughnut session scheduled for Monday morning, March llth, 10:00 o'clock in the Chamber of Com- merce rooms. I have accepted the Captaincy of one of the membership teams, and in turn am asking you to work on my team. This year's prospect list is a good one, and you will not be asked to call on more than three or four prospects. Will see you Monday morning, March lith, in the Chamber rooms. Remember the time, 10:00 a.m, Sincerely yours, Cimae Ernest Pontius February 1l, 1946 iss Norma Pearson _ 7 a ee oo 364 South 10th | ; : : ~ ' Kansas City, Ramen | : Dear Miss Pearson: er Dr. Allen has asked this office, to sith the. reser- vations asked for in your letter of. Friday, Feb- puary 8. Enclosed, you will find five tickets for _° the Nebraska: gane and four for the. lowa State game. I am sorry we do not have the tickets for the - location that you used to set in pre-war days. | Those tickets were sold sometime ago and, in fact, — we are entirely out of reserved seat tickets for the Iowa State game and I am giving you four chair -geats at the end of the playing court. We still have general admission tickets in she ton balcony which. I know you would not want. | / . For the Nebraske game, we have been able to set ' you the five seats in section 7, row B, which is. ‘the second row of permanent seats over to the side. I am sorry, we did not anticirate your attendance at these games -- in that case, we would have held back the tickets for youe I recall very definitely that you always had the first row of temrorary seats at the east end of. the playing court. . Horning you will find hee: locations satisfactory - and thanking you for. your. order, I am Sincerely yours, Ee Le Falkenstien ae Financial Secretary ELF tmp ec: Dr. F, CG. Ailien ee J ) January 22, 1946 Director of Admissions Fomona College | : : | Claremont, California © : So Dear Sir: ! I am enclosing the Form 2. Personal Rating Blenk for Miss Irene R, McAddo, formerly of the University of Kansas. Miss MeAddo had diffioulty as she was forced to work her way through colleges It was necessary for her to make some adjustments which were distressing to her at the time, It ine ‘terfered with her studies and her peace of mind, Miss McAddo ; _ had lots of ability, but was throttled from her educational quest by lack of sufficient funds to give her the things she most / desired. Tem hoping for her the best in life. he 7 F é af Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, FOAsMF _ Varsity Basketball Coach. Ence