Te RAY S. PIERSON LAWYER PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING BURLINGTON, KANSAS OFFICE 214 RES. 145 Mareh 2nd, 1946 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: Received the two tickets to the Oklahoma game and arrived at the game just as the National Air was being played. Ray, Jr. and I had two choice seats in the eenter of the Court on the opposite side from where you were sitting. Our train was almost two hours late and the train we left on was exactly on time and we saw all except the last few minutes of the game. I certainly want to congratulate you and your squad Sn-your splendid victory that was so well earned. You were playing against a dirty team that elbowed, shoved, charged and hacked every chance they had and it seemed to me as though the officials called -cmmgmas about one-half of the fouls they could have called on Oklahoma. On the other hand, they called them mighty close on your boys. The crowd was the largest group of poor sports T ever heard. If Oklahoma treats all of their officials in this manner, I don't see how they can induce any self-respecting official to work one of their games. My fifteen-year-old son has been in the hospital for three weeks and is slightly better. However, I am taking him up to Mayo'ts next week. He apparently is suffering from the after effects of the flu. that he had last Thanksgiving and has some form of sleeping. sickness. T had him over at Emporia under the treatment of two of their leading doctors and they dontt seem to know what is wrong with him. They talk about a tumor on his brain, of virus infection and possibly Parkinson's @isease. We are taking him to the Mayo Clinic to try to find out. He seems to be all okay physically and is growing like a mushroom. Hinclosed herewith is my check for $5.00 to take care of those basketball tickets and what is left, I want you to buy a loud colored necktie down at Carl's or wherever you want to buy it and maybe it will bring you luck when you take on Henry Ibats team at Kansas city this month if he doesn't run out on you (which I think he Wild). My boy got a great kick out of the game at Norman the other night