March ll, 1946 Mre Je Dy Paget . Contractor and Builder ae 3911 Cambridge Kansas City, Kansas Deer lire Pagets I am sorry that I cannot favor you with passes for the Kansas@Oklahoma Aggie basketball game, : _ There are no passes issued for this game and besides _, the entire allottment of the tickets that came to the University . of Kansas have been sold out. Yes, I venusbér you very well anc I would be glad to ace commodate you if it were within my power. I am the coagh of the Varsity basketball team end have nothing to do with the disposie tion of the tickets, The tickets are handled by the Athletic’ Financial Office, of which Mr. E. Ce Quigley is the Director of. Athletics and Mr, Earl Falkenstein is the Financial Secretary. I regret that -this sondition exists end only wish that it _ were possible for me to extend to you some courtesy that wovld ‘ bee within my power. 3 ; Sincerely yours, \A | Director of Physical. Education, PCA MP Varsity. Basketball Coach.