October 31, 1944. Mr. Pred A. Price, Manager, Medical Dental Audit Association, 3109-10 Bavid Stott Bldg., Detroit, Michigan. Dear Fred: Thanks very much for sending me the sport colum of H. G. Salsinger in the Detroit News. I know Mr. Salsinger very well. Ile is a high grade gentlemm and a clean sportemn. Yes, I would never forget you. β€˜he boys on the early teams that I coaches still silhouette in my memory very clearly. I saw LeMar Hoover in the Mushlebach Hotel last week in Kansas City. LaMar is still that fine, personable individual who believes that he is go- ing to make his million some day. ee eee ae eae weak started but he is still optimistic. Be t noe Rimeh & eorpin of seis nop sek eee fren hin qa often from his home in Washington. I saw Cy Mason several years ago, t track of him, as I have of Sample. Withro was dow in I saw him and had @ fine visit with him. He is doing Bple Cub Brainard I cannot locate. Won't you write and tell me where the other boys are? Of course you knew Emil Liston had a wery bad accident and he has not responded well at all from the break ae eee ee | ee eee β€” - With all good wishes, Iam β€” I Sincerely yours, f Director of Physical Education, . PCA:AH Es ; Varsity Basketball Coach.