RED BUD FARMS R. R. 6 LAWRENCE, KANSAS LYLE S. POWELL HORSES, CATTLE AND SHEEP GERALDINE 0. POWELL HAY AND GRAIN January 9, 1945. T01s” Alfred Pfi tech, san A.U.8., W. Pirst St., Tyler, Texas» Dear Dr. Pfitseh: I am delighted to reseive your good letter, and immensely pleased te read of the citation for the Bronze Star Medal and the Oak Leaf Cluster for Johmy. I have given this story to the University Daily Kansan and when they print it I will send you a our Jeyinwde Rebounds we Will — of this achievement for John. fue Of course, you can never tell how a newspaper reporter will write up a story, and the saddest part of it is now that most of the students who are in college now did not lmow the boys who were here just two years ago. You have te give them the backcround and tell them all about where the boys are from, their friends and associates and exploits while on the campus. Neturally I gave the reporter a very fine story of John because ee ee, ee ee ee, ee ey a with enthusiasm and dispatch that pleased your heart. Of course we will use this citation in the Jayhawk Rebounds, which is the least we can do to show his friends and colleagues really what a regular guy this fellow, Lieutenant Pfitech, oe hazardous undertaking. 1 want to Shank you fur seniiing Gite he me, mat reskacmuved Unt i SS ee ee ee eee a ee «oe on 8 ee Seth Misia ideally 4 ros veal bee. Pfitsch, I an Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, a Varsity Basketball Coach. \ uv : +e Crm CITATION FOR THE BROVZE STAR MEDAL (OAK-LEAF CLUSTER) First Lieutenant Jehn A Pfitsch, 01047728, Ceast Artillery Cerps, United States Army, fer hereic service in cennectien with military eperations against an enemy ef the United States at ***, France on 23 Nevember 1944. In the early merning heurs ef 25 Nevember a leng range enemy artillery shell struck a truck leaded with 40mm and small arms ammunitien setting it ablaze. A nearby gaseline truck caught fire and seen the cen- flagration threatened te destrey other vehicles parked in the vicinity. Lieutenant Pfitsch at ence rushed te the area and dreve away twe vehicles which were in immediate danger, dis- regarding the hazards ef expleding ammunitien and flaming gaseline shewered ever the terrain by bursting gas cans. Al-. theugh the heat and smeke was at a maximum, Lieutenant Pfitsch returned te assist in tewing away a third truck which had beceme ignited, and helped te quell the flames. He then pes- ted himself in the danger zene until the fire had been breught under centwel, making every effert te prevent further damage. Lieutenant Pfitsch's ceurageeus and reseurceful actiens and his disregard fer persenal safety reflect credit upen his character as an efficer and upen the military service. fHEn- tered military. se orvice trem Texas. : HEADQUARTERS 35TH INFANTRY DIVISION : APO35 US ARMY GENERAL ieee NO. oy). E-X-T-R-A-C-T 18 December 1944 AWARD OF BRONZE STAR MEDAL (OAK-LEAF CLUSTER) Pursuant te autherity centained in AR 600-45, dated 22 September 1948, as amended, and Circular 6, Headquarters Third United States Army, 26 April 1944, in additien te the Brenze Star Medal previeusly awarded, a brenze Oak-Leaf Cluster is awarded te the fellewing: First Lieutenant Jehn A. Pfitsch, 01047728, Ceast Artillery Cerps, United States Army. Fer hereic service in cennectien with military eperatiens against an enemy ef the United States in France on 25 Nevember 1944. . Entered the military service frem Texas. By cemmand ef Majer GeneralBAAD#: OFFICIAL Jenuary 25, 1945. Mr. R. BE. Peters, Comnis sioner, Big Six Conference, 542 So. Chelsea, : Kansas City, Mo. Dear Reaves: Thanks for your good letter of January 18th. Yes, I agree with you that your job is selecting, training and assigning officials for football and basketball, and I think you are doing a swell job. 3 Now, 4f you ean train those guys to use the signals! I will foilow your recommendation and write to Mike Ahearn and ask if the numbers oan't be changed. They are old numbers, but there is no reason why the war effort would interfere with putting new numbers on according to ‘the rules. I think I under- stand your situation. I am passing on your request to EBarl for the tickets for the Iowa State game, and will alse pass on the information —s Gevernor Schoeppel. I am sending you a carbon copy of the letter I am writing Mike. : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Siucakhen, PCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. tA Wht nae University’ of Nebraska Office of University of Kaasas ae o Pere Commissioner of Officals - oe tl ne niversity o oma ; 2 ; ansas State College eek Big Six Manhattan : ve University of Missouri Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Iowa State College Columbia 342 So. Chelsea Avenue Ames s t KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI ie oe January 18th 4 1945 oS a of Dr. F. G. Allen a University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: It will take the officials some time to learn the , Signals and get the habit of using them. I have urged them me to get into the habit just as quickly as possible. I agree te with you that unless they are going to give them it is of es little value that the Scorer know them. a | oe I can't answer your question about what the powers of oan. a Commissioner are. They vary according to conferences. I do na have ideas as to what they should be. In the Big Six conference ae the situation at this time is not at all comparable to many Lee other majorconferences. As you know my job is the selecting, is Pg training and assigning of officials for football and basket- ie ball, and any other small detail the conference may assign me to. The rule on the numbers players must wear is very o clear and it is difficult to understand why jerseys would eae be lettered with nuperals that do not meet these specifictaions. oe I am sure that if Iwould write to Fritz Knorr or Mike they would f gladly change to neumerals that are legal. I would be glad to S ask them to make the correction if you care for me to do so. < However, unless a situation has direct bearing on the officiating 2 of the game it is not in my province to interfere except to a assist in remeding a situation that can besfbe helped by an out- “e side party. me a 7 Uae Your note at the bottowm of the page stating that your digestion is good and that you are feeling fine has me 3H stumped. I never saw you when your digestion wasn't good and Ae don't believe I ever saw you when gu were not feeling well. s Talked wth Governor Schoeppel this morning and he Ae tells me that he will make every attempt to see the Kansas- a” Iowa State game with me on Jan. 27th. Will you have Earl save ie a couple of seats for me for that game; believe that will be a 4 a sell out. ef oe Will send you a conference schedule with all officials assigned right away. ie ae ‘Sincerely yours, ~. ee Ne ease if Oe ce oe eae bee January 18, 1945, Mr. Pete Phillippi, Coach, Salina High School, Salina, Kansas. Dear Coach Phillippi: After you had written me on April 19, I treated Pat Lannahan a number of times, and on his second trip in I gave him an Ace Bandage for which he was to pay me, but which he evidently neg- lected. As nearly as I can remember, it was something like $1.50. Will you please call this to his attention, or his dad's, and have him mail me the money for the bandage? Of course, I made no charge for the service I rendered to him. Sincerely yours, - Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. SALMA HIGH SCHOOL. ssuva, xan W. W. WARING, Superintendent BUILDING PRINCIPALS OWEN E. HODGSON, Principal . E. SIMPSON, Washin C. A. BROOKS, Lincoln V. S. HASS, Roosevelt Gp ae A taireetC Alle eel : April 18, 1944. Mrs Po le Phillippi, Coach, Salina High School, Salina, Kensas. Dear Coach Phillippi: Dr. Allen received your letter of April 17th this morning just as he was leaving for Halstead, Kansas, where he speaks tonight. We asked that I write you and euggest that if possible you might bring your boy to Lawrence for the Sincerely yours, h Secretary to Dr. Porrest G. Allen. DALINA ALO H OUR DE . sasisa, xansas W. W. WARING, Superintendent OWEN E. HODGSON, Principal BUILDING PRINCIPALS s W. E. SIMPSON, Washington C. A. BROOKS, Lincoln V. S. HASS, Roosevelt tel Te fA £17 1944 bel Aayreah CG lle ie ols on go fine a i a er : he a ee 4 egy ee ae Atha tes ee ee ee tert ate es eal ~ oe January 17, 1946. Mr. Reaves Peters, Commissioner, Big Six Conference, 342 So. Chelsea, Kansas City, Mo. ; uy | Dear Reeves: | . . : i think something should be done regarding the teams that have small two-inch letters on the front of their jerseys. When we played the Kansas Aggies in Kansas City I noticed that their jerseys are a straight violation of our rules. I do not know what other teams have the same violation, but it is “mpossible for a boy to pick out the ene piay- Gl'« Suppose they come down the floor facing the Aggie opponent. The letters are too small to distinguish. If one fellow can violate the rules why cannot the others? And then ‘the Aggies’ letters are not set out in block so tat you can easily distinguish them, \ T would like for you to write me frankly and tell me in a friendly way what you think the powers of a comaissioner are. Doubtless this, and other things, have been brought up before, so I am oe asking you to tell me how we oan get some action on things. i Also, will you kindly send me the Big Six basketball schedule? I have never had a copy of it and + moult Athe Se foaner the yreeran of - the Eanese Thanking you for these favors, I am Simerely yours, Director of Physical Education, — i FCAAH — . Varsity Basketball Coach. P.S. Oh, yes, the officials are not using the signals at all, in indicating fouls. Why would we give the scorekeeper these — unless the officials use them? : N.B. Yes, and my digestion is good. I am feeling finel PeCeoAe January 3, 1945. Dr. and Mrs. Don Carlos Peete, 3717 Belleview, | Kansas City, Mo. Dear Don and Alice: I have been trying since December 24th to write you and thank you for the beautiful tie which you so thoughtfully gave me. Gosh, it is a dandy, and on Sunday morning before I left Sanaas City 1 opened it and wore it down home the day before Christmas.. T don't know when I have received a tie that If really liked and enjoyed MOT@ » I also delivered the present to Earl Yalkenstien, and I imagine Barl has already written you long before now telling you how much he appreciated the same.” The Kansas colors, crimson and blue, are very dominent, and the gold band in between reminded me of the Kensas Jayhawk on our warmups. I think you must have had an eye to that when you bought it. Again, thanks a million. And do imow that I er appreciate your thought- fulness. | We go to Colwibia, Missouri, for Friday night's game, euvlen here Friday morning at 5:50 over the Santa Fe. The connections are so terrible that the only other possibility would be to leave at one o'clock on Thursday afternoon and get to Columbia Thursday night, then we would de Ei cg stones pn lmlagsin ys wget paid oye chee? ety stay Friday night after the game and not get out until Saturday morning. By the tine we got home it would be past, the 48-hour limit for the Navy, so we have decided on the former course. Wow, isn't that something -- Columbia, 176 miles from Kansas City, and it takes more than 48 hours to make the trip! , } I do not believe we have enough to defeat the Tigers at present, but we may take them at Lawrence. I am not too optimistic about that because this boy Kurash seems to be the leavener that the Tigers needed. Collins is good, but Kurash and Collins together with the big boy give te Tigers @ pretty versatile outfit. _ And just to think, the Kansas Aggies beat Oklahoma last night? Any- tine es es et en Ge ce et oe to get very far in the Big Six race. en ee Ze experienced to count on their applying the leat when it is needed. And too, in the clutches they can't hit their free throws. © Okla- homa last night made 17 straight! Some of the boys have some fine qualities but they are so lacking in others that it is difficult to get a balanced tean. | i ak But anyhow, We are thankful for good friends and good health. | And here's hoping that the New Year finds you amply supplied with both. With every good wish, I an - Sincerely yours, — ‘ - : 4 r i Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Novenber 2, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director, Physical Education Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I recently received my Big Six assignments, and I'm sorry to say there were no games listed for Kansas University. Since you were so kind to give me my start in the Big Six officiating, I was wondering if you could give me sone cmstructive criticism as to why I was not assigned any K.U. games. I will consider it a personal favor if you will give me any information that will help me in my officiating. Very truly yours, Lech Cer Cecil N. Peterson TS STS LT LINE ey Novenber 2, 1944 ' Dr. Forrest C, Allen Director, Physical Education Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr, Allen: I-recently received my Big Six assignmerts, and I'm sorry to say there. were no games listed for Kansas University, Since you were so kind to give me my start in the Big Six officiating, I was wondering if you could. give me sme emstructive criticism as to why I was not assigned any K.U. games, I will consider it a personal favor if you will give me any informtion that will help me in my officiating. Very truly yours, ~- Cecil N. Peterson OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL LAWRENCE December 7, 1944 Mrs. Alberta Hulteen Secretary, Physical Education 107 Robinson Campus Dear Mrs. Hulteen: Thanks for your kindness in reserving the boys' physical education room for use by University High School students for our Christmas party Thursday, December 14. We will want the room between the hours of 7:30 and 9:30. Very sincerely yours, Ae 26 2. Gerald Pearson Principal GP:ES December 5, 1944. Mx. Gerald Pearson, Principal, University High School. Dear Mr. Pearson: . Thank you for your kindness in sending me tickets to your basketball games. I will try to avail myself of the opportumity to see some of your games. With best wishes for a very successful season, I Sineerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ~ SCHOOL OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL LAWRENCE December 1, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Coach of Varsity Basketball University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I know how very busy you are these days with your college program, but, if you ever find time, we will be honored to have you at- tend any or all of your University High games. Please find enclosed complimentary tickets and schedules of our University High games. Very sincerely yours, Ce Sa Gerald Pearson Principal GP:ES ENC. j December 4, 1944. Dr. and Mrs. Don Carlos Peete, 3717 Bellview, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Don and Alice: : I am enclosing herewith the clippings that you handed me by mistake. Hope you enjoyed the Jayhawk Rebounds that we mailed Saturday evening. 7 Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. ‘ November 25, 1944. Dr. and Mrs. Don Carlos Peete, 3717 Belleview, Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Don and Alice: I want you to know how much I enjoyed our short visit in your beautiful new home. I have addressed this letter to 3717 Belleview, but I cannot for the life of me locate the address on any of your stationery. Somehow I feel I must have written it down when I talked to you over the phone. I know that you are well enough kmow and famous enough so if this isn't the correct address it will get to you. I eujoyed the trip home with Virginie Jane very much, I got a little sleepy on one occasion and at the Sunflower Village pulled slightly +o the side of the road and took three minutes, out to relax and close my eyes just enough to shake off the drowsiness. Oertainly I wanted to get the valuable human cargo in Lawrence without any mishap. I took Virginia's grip to the door and met the landlady, who seemed to be very pleasant. £ want to thenk you so mich for Fixing the Panay Aten Meniioyt tal ae such a wonderful way. My, it’s grand to know that we have some anes friends who really did an essential kindness. I always enjoy my visit with you very much and am trusting that in the newr future we will be able to have an extended visit. We are sending you the basketball schedule and we want you and your family to count on the 12th, 22nd and 23rd of December. We will have tickets for the family. Also, if you get to Lawrence at any time, you know we are always leoking for you. With all good wishes in every way, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Seth mame penn cemerine emai 7 Sa agli EET: a, a — Fi4 Ma a <8 Leh Geb . AnaseuA aves " Dai a a I Star. ' STRUCTION NO. 7 (Sender's in, RD iia tlietotiacatina ne LST SS SS NN SN ee Mowwcved whine he treadan 4faght Kt pute age a Matt 7 a gtd. ‘ 704 hawt based thesaed, hnrrypnegecad Atahinanits® Menus an intl" Anger) ance Acad : $ . or: Phi porpte Aare Lee ; ei. a ta FACT. My enn fran Phmefae MOET MeomnDy men. glia, mm Wy [ove Oomanide ome J he Kearse Bot terd wring Anas nt haus hed at Dlheg We Hong haw “2 Hn; We SAAR AS ee eee ee eS. AV ARATE e: AAS. a ae a oe, oe : 22D /96Y Loncae ee al writin) eth Bk Cally. Kece ra hug Gre. Me eins rot J mg ae fe Ki. ak Pperrrnatlh, <2 ft By bn, GA htc. thet, Te a, fadd tal tig dare acegayoP os] cP al as tl = tet SN aie wo lh a Tih, renin ined aly accuse Aelint 408 bare gry & heuer ae, Roath.» : x ee : : 3 olf % : e “ie . <— L_~_4 ‘ © _ 2 ae noe 8 99749379 a “Me.Foreest CALLEN \gysct-Vauehu W.Powtius | A yj | BOL ASE ___ |e, «sink 20N APA% | a A\ Ae) | LAWRENCE, Ha4nsas colnet | | : ABBstmaster, Mey | | A (CENSO! Tey ort on as SEE “INSTRUCTION NO. 2 (Sender's complete address above) ( ] 2G /74¢4 ] Dea Doo Pood pens, avd gta sesipia ache nile ce S Ht Mi pap lage Ip celet tow, se Gh Mie eo flidack bond ; - Po chee. Le y Leen, Wea. y Dow tn py acta ee ee ‘Toa Allev vet HAVE YOU FILLED IN COMPLETE F.H.SMITHMEYER, Pres. A.H.GUFLER, Vice Pres. F.P SMITHMEYER, Vice Pres. EO. KIRCHHOFF, Secy: —TrREAS. TheMiecoRoehler” lexan ile el, re ‘ DIRECTORS: F.H.SMITHMEYER GEO. KIRCHHOFF ’ MGR EMPORIA HOUSE = Z LAWRENCE, KANSAS. . ee SSS eee ee = EMPORIA, KANSAS. = Mc PHERSON,KANSAS GEO. J.KIRCHHOFF. F. P SMITHMEYER. MGR. TOPEKA HOUSE Oct. 24,1944. University of hansas Physical itdueation Corp., Robinson Gymnasium, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear DreAllen: Attention: Br. F. CG. Allen. The Savita Yeast Tablets have been delivered to your office as per the attached invoice, and we would ap- preciate your issuing instructions for a purchase order in the amount of $54.00, so that our records may be kept complete. thanking you, we are, ‘Yours truly, THE THEO. POEHLER MERCANTILE,CO. ig feee bk hoff GJkh-sg