January 3, 1945. Dr. and Mrs. Don Carlos Peete, 3717 Belleview, | Kansas City, Mo. Dear Don and Alice: I have been trying since December 24th to write you and thank you for the beautiful tie which you so thoughtfully gave me. Gosh, it is a dandy, and on Sunday morning before I left Sanaas City 1 opened it and wore it down home the day before Christmas.. T don't know when I have received a tie that If really liked and enjoyed MOT@ » I also delivered the present to Earl Yalkenstien, and I imagine Barl has already written you long before now telling you how much he appreciated the same.” The Kansas colors, crimson and blue, are very dominent, and the gold band in between reminded me of the Kensas Jayhawk on our warmups. I think you must have had an eye to that when you bought it. Again, thanks a million. And do imow that I er appreciate your thought- fulness. | We go to Colwibia, Missouri, for Friday night's game, euvlen here Friday morning at 5:50 over the Santa Fe. The connections are so terrible that the only other possibility would be to leave at one o'clock on Thursday afternoon and get to Columbia Thursday night, then we would de Ei cg stones pn lmlagsin ys wget paid oye chee? ety stay Friday night after the game and not get out until Saturday morning. By the tine we got home it would be past, the 48-hour limit for the Navy, so we have decided on the former course. Wow, isn't that something -- Columbia, 176 miles from Kansas City, and it takes more than 48 hours to make the trip! , } I do not believe we have enough to defeat the Tigers at present, but we may take them at Lawrence. I am not too optimistic about that because this boy Kurash seems to be the leavener that the Tigers needed. Collins is good, but Kurash and Collins together with the big boy give te Tigers @ pretty versatile outfit. _ And just to think, the Kansas Aggies beat Oklahoma last night? Any- tine es es et en Ge ce et oe to get very far in the Big Six race. en ee