F.H.SMITHMEYER, Pres. A.H.GUFLER, Vice Pres. F.P SMITHMEYER, Vice Pres. EO. KIRCHHOFF, Secy: —TrREAS. TheMiecoRoehler” lexan ile el, re ‘ DIRECTORS: F.H.SMITHMEYER GEO. KIRCHHOFF ’ MGR EMPORIA HOUSE = Z LAWRENCE, KANSAS. . ee SSS eee ee = EMPORIA, KANSAS. = Mc PHERSON,KANSAS GEO. J.KIRCHHOFF. F. P SMITHMEYER. MGR. TOPEKA HOUSE Oct. 24,1944. University of hansas Physical itdueation Corp., Robinson Gymnasium, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear DreAllen: Attention: Br. F. CG. Allen. The Savita Yeast Tablets have been delivered to your office as per the attached invoice, and we would ap- preciate your issuing instructions for a purchase order in the amount of $54.00, so that our records may be kept complete. thanking you, we are, ‘Yours truly, THE THEO. POEHLER MERCANTILE,CO. ig feee bk hoff GJkh-sg