W. R. TATE, Treasurer Plaza Bank of Commerce, 234 Alameda Road Kansas City 2, Missouri C. F. WILLIAMS, Secretary 1940 East Sixth Street Cleveland 14, Ohio SHIRLEY E. MESERVE, Attorney General 555 South Flower Street, Los Angeles 13, California HARRY S. GORGAS, President Gorgas, Thomas & Co., 76 Beaver Street New York 5, N. Y. HARLAN 8B. SELBY, Vice President Post Office Box 797 Morgantown, W. Va. PHI KAPPA PSI FRATERNITY February 12, 1945 Dear Brother: Founders Day ~ 1945 would seem to be a most fitting time to give a further report to the alumni of the Fraternity as to its progress and future» Those of you who have read Dab Williams! very excellent issues of The Shield have been able to generally follow Phi Kappa Psi history. It will interest you to know that the January issue of The Shield went to 10,500 Phi Psis. The sub- stantial progress of the Fraternity is shown by the fact that in 1930 we printed about 3,000 copies of The Shield. It now goes to Phi Psis in every state of the Union, six provinces of Canada and direct to several hundred Phi Psis overseas. Since my last letter of October to our selected group of alumni (we shall be glad to add anyone requesting it to the mailing list), a number of encouraging reports have been received from chapter house corporations. Major J. A. Habegger reports that the California Gamma chapter house corpora tion has no mortgage indebtedness and a cash balance of $7,000. In addition, the chapter house is rented for the duration on a profitable basis. Indiana Alpha has recently paid off the mortgage on its fine new property. A bequest through the will of Brother Will A. Cavin aided greatly in this debt re- tirement. From time to time, chapters which have been inactive for various reasons are resuming their activity. Pennsylvania Epsilon at Gettysburg has initiated two new Brothers and has five men on the campus. The chapter house, rebuilt and added to after a severe fire several years ago, is clear of debt, Pennsylvania Iota, after a year or more of inactivity, has pledged six, giving the chapter a total of ten, and as of January lst, the chapter house has been reopened. Texas Alpha reports 16 initiates since November; Iowa Alpha initiated 14 on December 10th; Washington Alpha initiated 12 in November, and has 17 pledged. Indiana Beta, one of the old reliable of the Fraternity, has initiated 21 since December lst. Michigan Alpha, hard hit by the war, now claims 2l. In our budget for the fiscal year ending May 31, 1945, we set up an estimated number of new initiates at 150. Through January 3lst, we have already had 311 initiates reported to Secretary Williams. About 700 initiates is a normal year,» We have several chapters which in the future, will require definite and aggressive aid from the alumni and the Executive Council.e All Phi Psis have dis- appeared from the campus at Colorado Alpha and Mississippi Alpha. There is no chapter house at Colorado, and the house at Mississippi, unoccupied during the War, has suffered damage from the weather. With the aid of the Tom Platt Fund some reconditioning work is being done. Page 2 - February 12, 1945 Both of these instances may require the sending of undergraduate Phi Psis to their institutions and the payment of their expenses for a year, so that the chap- ters may be revived. Colonization, as we call it, is apparently the only solution in these instances. Loyal and enthusiastic Phi Psi alumni in Tucson and the University of Arizona are seriously considering the formation of a local club of the Fraternity there, to petition for a charter of Phi Kappa Psi. At recent G.A.C's, there has been evident a real demand among our undergraduate chapters for extension, particu} larly in the South and Southwest. I believe that such an effort will meet with a cordial response from the Fraternity as a whole. Amherst College is engaged in a wave of reorganization and post-war planning. A considerable element apparently is advocating the elimination of fraternities. The outeome will depend upon the attitude of the alumni of Amherst College, and action, if taken, will be in the next few months. Missouri Alpha, which has published a remarkably fine chapter news letter during the war, but has been inactive on the campus, is reorganizing for a very active rehabilitation campaign. Craig Ruby, Mo. Alpha '16, well known basketball coach and personnel director, is the new President of the chapter house corpora- tion, and with the cooperation of Orson Lee and other well known alumni is actively preparing for a revived chapter. So it goes. These have been strenuous times, but through it all Phi Kappa Psi continues to move forward. We ask your continued help and cooperation. As the war news gets better, we can more easily visualize a stronger and better Phi Kappa Psi, worthy of the thousands of Brothers who are fighting overseas, Very fraternally yours, THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. ascsD¢ — Hain Lg oo — Harry S. Gorgas, President. OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL LAWRENCE November 17, 1944 Dr. F. C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Our schedule for University High School - is now complete unless some school should be forced to request a change. The dates which we need Robinson Gymnasium for are January 5, January 30, February 2 February 13, and Feb- ruary 24. We are playing four games in the Municipal Auditorium on afternoons which con- flict with varsity basketball practice. Very sincerely yours, —La_p.—— Gerald Pearson Principal GP:ES Date Hovember 28 December 5 ‘December 12 December 15 December 21 January 3 January 5 January 9 January 16 January 23 January 30 February 6 February 9 February 13 February 20 February 24 UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1944-45 School Linwood De Soto Tonganoxie Olathe School for Deaf Kudora De Soto Bonner Springs Eudora Bonner Springs Perry Perry Osage City Olathe School for Deaf Baldwin Baldwin Tonganoxie Place of game Lawrence - Municipal Auditorium 3:20 Lawrence - Municipal Auditorium 2 games - 2:30 - 3:45 Tonganoxie - 2 games Olathe Budora De Soto - 2 games Lawrence = Robinson Gymnasium 5:20 Lawrence - Municipal Auditorium - 3:20 Bonner Springs Perry Lawrence - Robinson Gymnasium 5:20 Lawrence - Ifunicipal Auditorium 3:20 Lawrence - Robinson Gymnasium 3:20 Lawrence - Robinson Gymnasium @ games - 2:30 = 3:45 Baldwin - 2 games Lawrence - Robinson Gymnasium 2 games = 2:30 = 3:45 ‘November 14, 1944. Mr. Gerald Pearson, Principal, University High School. Dear Mr. Pearson: This is to confirm the dates your University High School team will play games in Robinson Gymasiun, as mentioned in your letter of November 7th. This is quite agreeable with me, and I do not believe you will run into any conflicts. Very sincerely yours, , Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL LAWRENCE November 7, 1944 Dr. F. C. Allen Basketball Coach Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Recently Mrs. Hulteen and I checked with regard to the use of Robinson Gymnasium for the scheduled games of University High School. In the opinion of Mrs. Hulteen Robinson Gymnasium would be available for use by University High School for games starting at 3:20 on the following dates: January 5,12,19,27,50 February 9,15,16,25 As a matter of record we are sending this list of dates in order that you will reserve the use of Robinson Gymmasium for University High on these dates. I again wish to thank you for your assistance in helping us locate athletic supplies. Mr. Talbot of the Elliott Company called on us, and we now have our new suits and one basketball. He also gave us a promise _ of a second basketball before the start of our basketball season. Very sincerely yours, Gas ( Gerald Pearson Principal GP:ES February 26, 1945. Mise Mabel Pitts, Asst. Manager, Sheldon-lfunn Hotel, Ames, Towa. Dear Miss Pitts: We will take the plain rooms with twin beds for our basketball team. We won't get to Ames until - just before noon on Friday, Maroh 2, and would like _ %o go to the rooms then. We will be out of them about five o* clock. Sincerely yours, | we Director of Physical Education, : FPOCAAH Varsity Basketball Coach. : _ Pebruary 28, 1945. Miss Mabel Pitts, : ‘ Asst. Monager, Sheldon-Munn Hotel, Anes, Iowa. Dear Miss Pitts: My two sons, Dr. Robert E. Allen and Milton P. Alle, and their wives, are driving to Ames for the game and will want two weparate rooms, with either double or twin beds. They will stay over Friday —— : Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, PFOA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. tat me fe AIiCR CURP SUCCESSOR Bond