April 24, 1945. Mr. Pe C. Cobh, Director of Athleties, Dallas Public Sehools, Dallas, TOXRS e - IT am very happy to commend to you Mr. Howard Perter, who was a member of our Physio] Bducation staff tro years ago. Porter directed the physical conditioning, along with eight other young men, and did an ex- cellent job. in addition to this, he was m sasistant coach in basket= ball, and 4146's fine jab. | A year ago he ile to the Beeclorood-Planeview schools in Wishite at my suggestion because the Army and Navy were outting down their personnel, He game to the University with the understanding that when this we would require less-help. i i Porter is highly intelligent, has a strong personality, knows the game ef basketball, and above all elsc knows how to handle young men. He . very safe and valuable young man to deal with youwig people. He is friendly with them, yet has a directing gonius that is very pleasing to the pa His appreach is a challenge to young mm. Ne is slean, personable capable. ee orderse g 2 iss tale & oie ate end 6 oe is Su Getto ten. tn eeey sense of the word. I am sure thet you will be very pleased with him, and i congratulate you on being able to obtain hime : s Very cordially yours, Directer of Physical Rduoation, FCA AH : Varsity Basketball Coache