“| hutte the two officers of the 35th “lable stockpile of hardwood. Their Texans Give Aid to Conversion Of German Plant BY KENNETH L. DIXON, Associated Press Staff Writer. GERMANY.—Two sports-minded American officers have started re- converting one small portion of Germany’s erstwhile war industry. CAPT. JOHN PFITSCH of Tyler, Texas, and Lt. Cassius M. Lea of Fenton, Mich., are using a former ‘|German 88-nim. shell factory for ‘| production of baseball bats. ; ‘| In the small town of Tunger- ‘| Division were walking through the factory when they saw a number of woodworking machines and a siz- _| 448th Antiaircraft Warning Bat- talion needed baseball equipment, now that the shooting is over. _| ‘Soon a makeshift production line .| was working and the first bats be- ‘| gan appearing—ones that would be hard to beat even back home. They were trade-marked Pfitsch Lea Tungerhutte Bat which admittedly ‘is plenty of trade-mark for any bat.