“‘you'll be sure to score” if you drink LAWRENCE SANITARY MILK K.U.— SURE WIEDEMANN’S OF COURSE THE FRESHMAN CROP A father and son combination is holding the coaching reins in basketball at the University of Kansas this year. Doctor Forrest C. Allen goes into his 25th year as head varsity coach at the Univer- sity, as his oldest son, Milton ‘‘Mitt’” Allen, makes his debut in coaching circles as freshman mentor. “Mitt”, who returned to the University last year to work toward a law degree, is serving as fresh- man coach without remuneration. He starred on the Jayhawk basketball teams of 1935 and 1936. Last year’s crack freshman team was labelled by Doctor Allen as possibly the finest in the school’s history. While ‘“Mitt’’ does not regard his charges of the present campaign that highly, he does believe that the freshman squad is almost as well-balanced as the yearling squad of last year. Top prospects in the workouts to date have been Bill Brill, a guard, and Otto Schnellbacher, forward. Brill played on the same high school team with Ray Evans at Wyandotte high in Kan- sas City, Kan., and was rated as an exceptional Prospect. Schnellbacher, who hails from Sublette, was probably the most sensational scorer ever seen in the western part of the state. His average last year was around 20 points a game. Brill and Schnellbacher carry only a slim edge over some of the other yearlings, however, with a number of fine prospects headed for the varsity. Several of the freshmen cagers opposed each other in state championship games last winter. Kenny Thompson, fiery little ‘‘quarterback’’, and Walter Verbanic, guard, played on the Wyandotte high team which defeated Salina in the final game of the Class AA tournament, John Short, yearling guard, was a member of the Salina team. Captain of the Lyons high team which won the Class A tournament was Don Maison, a forward. He is now a teammate of Bill Forsyth, star of the Medicine Lodge team, which bowed to Lyons. Kansas City, Kan., has the largest representa- tion of any town on the freshman roster, with Brill, Thompson, Verbanic, Ed. Sayers, Larry Stream and Paul Carpenter. Other men on the yearling squad, in addition to those named above are Harold McSpadden, El- Dorado; Herb Kaufman, Topeka; Stan Hansen, Floyd McHenry and Bill Bauer, Kansas City, Mo.; Warren Jacks, Coats; Bob Groom, Wichita; Armand Dixon and Lewis Musick, Hermosa Beach, Calif.; Bob Corder, Welda; Robert Heaston, Baldwin; and Bob Siddons, Platte, S. Dak. Gas Up After the Game at SMITH‘S Standard Service 9th & Indiana HILLSIDE Pharmacy “Fountain Service’’ 9th and Indiana Phone 1487