May 12, 1945. Lieut. Don Powell, (315th Serv. Group, Box 2, APO 210, o/o P.aMes New York, N.Y. Dear "Potsyā€¯: / A short note from Fred Ellsworth states that lst Lieut. Don "Potsy" Powell is lying in a hospital in China with a sprained ankle from volley bali. We are sending you our last Jayhawk Rebounds and some extra | gopies for yowr perusal during your weary hours. We are also putting you on our mailing list so that you will get the future .coples. We recall your activities in intramrals. Lots of good luck to you, Potsy. Sincerely yours, | _ Director of Physical Education, POA:AH Varsity Basketball coach. Ens.