Page two ‘PHI PS. RAG ate a5 aa 75 vd “~ sl a> ats “e ale aS ste as oe ————~ a IN MeEMORIUM These mon have made the Supreme Sacrifice and we mourn their joss. Did they dio in vain? it. Sidney S. Linscott, Jr. '56, USMC, killed at Guadalcanal, sust after the landing opera- tions had been completed. Ite Jo W. Payne, Jr. '42,. was killed in Georgia when he crashed his fighter plane into 2 river rather than turn it loose over a thickly populated “area« Lt. Browder Richmond, '42 USAA?, lost his life at Wright Picld, where he was a test ongincore: Lt. William Knight '40 USHAC, waa shot down over the Philli- pines on what was to be his last mission before returning homee He held victories over scven Jap planes and was Kansas Alpha'ts ace in this ware Lte Cole Victor Jd. Rogers, *'18 USA, died in a veteran's hospit- al in this country after two years of scrvico abroad. Lte Jack J. Griffin, 'S5 USC, was killed on Iwo Jima while serving with the Fourth Marine Division. Ite Robert Bellamy, '42, USC, was killed on Okinawa while serving as a forward observer for the Sixth Marine Divisione Lte Fred Humphrey, '41, USA, was killed in Holland while leading an attack on an undis- closed enemy-held towne A paratrooper, he was a member of the famous 82nd Airborne Division. al, * a 2, Kk f, st aan OUR SERVICEMEN Nearly 10,000 wearers of the badge of Phi Kappa Psi are in the armod services and almost 50% of the Kansas Alpha membership of 800 men are scrv- ing our country. We have heard from a fow and so wefll try to pass the informatione Charlie Black, Phi .Psi's:K.U. All-American basketball player is on his. way:home from. the. ETO where he .won.the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Distinguished service Cross and the Air Medal. eeektesides this, boys, he has another year of eligibility left. Dick Miller, Lt. (jg) Navy Air Corps and a star performer in all sports has another year of eligi- bility left too, and hopes to be back next year...eHis brother alph, a Ite. in the Army is stationed in Texas. "Phog" Allen tells us that Bobby is Lt. (lg) in the Navy Medical Corps and is stationed in San Francisco..eeHe expects to oe there for awhile tooess MIIt Allon is also a Lte (je) in the Navy stationed in the East. It.(jg).Tom Higgins is one of the original landers on Okinawa and he expects to be there for awhile longere Lt. Franny Franklin was home in June and looking mighty good, too. He had run into Lt.e{ je) Tommy Arbuckle, who is on the U.S Se indiana out in the South Pacific and they had a couple of "cood" get-to gethers...Arbuckle is married now you know. Capte Tom Yoe, who has been lost for a fow years from the Phi Psi files showed up in K.C. one day in June on loave from Camp NeClelilaneeeHe has been handling German prisoners down thereee.e Not married yet}