August 4, 1945 Dr. Don Carlos Peete, M.D. Suite 1500 Professional Building Kansas City, Missouri Dear friend Don: It must be mental telepathy. I have been trying to get a note to you all week. Just about the time that you wrote me I was endeavor~ ing to get through to you telling you that I still haven't forgotten my promise of a visit and I expect to make good on it before school takes up in September. I am teaching two classes, one at 93350 and one at 10:30 each morning. With the resignation of Mrs. Hulteen, to raise her family, I have been going through quite an ordeal. I have had one secretary who was here just long enough to learn the ropes. She left when her mother was to be operated on. That ‘was over a week ago and she was to let me know the next morning after she left, by wire, when she would retwn. Apparently all the Western Union lines have broken down because I ‘have not had one word from her since she left. But there could be worse things happen to a fellow, and _ as that old rheumatic said, a oe ee ee ee ee ae, eee could have it in. Mrs. Allen is oleaning the old house at 801 Louisiana ~ of accumulated stuff that has gathered for twenty~seven years. It is quite a job and I am the general moving man for all such activities. Congratulations to Don on his first basing for the Newman- Fox American Legion Team. I am hoping to see him play before the season is over. I still am going to make good my promise to spend that evening end night with you good people. '. Bor four years now I have had no so-called vacation, one term ruming inte the next one, Wh 5 eR ee SO See oy tee tion as I go. - Jeane and Jill are doing aplendialy. The weather has been wonderful for summer so everybody is well and happy. I sincerely trust the same can be said for your good family. Our very best to you all. Due to the loss of Mrs. Hulteen I have not been able to work © on my Jayhawk Rebound letter, my Gountry Club report, and the District Governor's monthly report in Rotary. I do not know what I am going to do unless I can get some relief pretty soon in the way of high-powered correspondence. Give all the good Peetes my regards, including a full- _gome share for yourself. Sincerely, ae Forrest C. Allen FCA:ef , Director, Physical Education