i] COMPLETED SCHEDULE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS BASKETBALL Nena i?th December 18th January 6th January 14th January 17th January 19th January 24th January 29th January 31th February 2nd / a Fobruary 10th Fobruary 14th February 16th Fobruary 20th Fobruary 25th February 27th. March Srd March 6th OU a G | “4G é/ UNDERSCORED---HOIT GAMES 2 GAMES 1941-1942 Denver University Bethel College University of Oklahoma University of Misscuri University of Nebraska “Iowa State College Kansas State Colloge University of Iowe. DePaul University Wichita University A Kathere - Ti ary Creighton University University of Nebraska Iowa State Colle=e Oklahoma A, and M, Oklahoma hi and. Me University of Oklahoma Kansas State College University of Missouri *