THE PODOLOFF INSURANCE AGENCY, INC., AGENTS ARENA BUILDING 20 GROVE STREET NEW HAVEN 11, CONN. PHONE: 8-0177 april 30, 1945 Mr. Forest CG. Phog Allen, PED University of Kansas Kansas Dear Sir: I noticed some comment of yours in the New York papers with respect to the rules of present day basketball, and for one thing I am entirely in accord with you when you say we are in the midst of "hysteria of poor basketball" due to top speed style of play which the spectators seem to be reguiring, I am enclosing comments of my own which I sent to the sports eGitor of the New York Post and would appreciate your reaction, I used to enjoy playing basketball as a sport, and I also enjoyed watching it. However, at the present time I can't. see that the game amounts to much other than a mad rush up and down the floor with strength and stamina counting most and skill and strategy counting least, although I must admit that the shooting has improved. Years ago,there was a clamor for bigger basketball courts, but with onĀ®,swoop the ten second rule cut the court in helf. Of course, the basic trouble in all of these things igs the fact that we are playing to cater to the paying fans and, of course, they do have their rights. But maybe the paying fans should see one kind of game and the teurs should play the sport as a sport, : JP/ek