tr. Joseph 7. Reardon, Dirsstor of Minor League Clubs, : : Philadelphia Hetional League Club, Packard Building, Philedejphia, Pa. S : Dear Kir. Reardon: I think I should be frank enough to tell you that I am secretary of the Selective Service Board here, and at the present time I am chairmen of the Douglas County Red Cross War Fund Drive. In addition to that, I am carrying a full load of teaching here at the University. There ia a possibility that the A-lZ Army program will be die¢ontinued and the ¥V-12 Navy program will be cut to serve only physicians and dentists. I am not sure just exactly what my summer program will be at the present time. 1 should kmow in the next few weeks. Yes, we are closely comected sith the aenditne in the Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Nebraska high schools. If I were free in the summer, which I may be, I would be able to contact many of these prospects. What is your policy regarding 17-year-old boys? Is the national agreement so that you can sign a teen-age boy with his parents consent, and make it stick as a good contract after the war? Or are you more especially interested in 4? boys, 18 or 19 yoars of age, who have been rejected? I would be glad to have your angle so as to better understand your desires and your problems. With best regards, I am : Sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Sducation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.