“The PHILADELPHIA sariovat teacue cvs Philfics , PACKARD BUILDING PHILADELPHIA * March 1, 1944 Dr. FP. 6. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kangas Dear Dr. Allen: In reply to yours of the 22nd. If-it would be of interest to you to recommend players in and around that territory for our organization, we would be glad to compensate you in the amount of $500.00 for the summer months. Naturally we assume you have a number of con- tacts in local high schools and these coaches would readily recommend boys to you. On the other hand if this is not sat-— isfactory we will pay you on the basis of $100.00 for each play- er recommended that remains in our organization thirty days. I will be pleased to hear from you by return mail on this arrangement. Kindest regards, . Reardon irector of Minor League Clubs JFR:nb