April ll, 1944. Dr. Don Carlos Peete, 4140 Cambridge, Kansas City, Kansas. I was certainly happy to have your kind missive of April Fool's Day, but instead of fooling me it pleased me very much to hear from you ani your family. I em leaving now for Hutchinson, Kansas, where I speak to the Parent Teachers Association tonight, and then I go on to Cedem Rapids, Iowa. At Cedar Hapids we have en allesports ban- quet = about 400 attending - so we should have a nice meting. I sometimes think I ama little crazy to run all over the country, but we get into this maelstrom and the vortex of it seems to not us loose. | oe Bleanor is coming tomorrow on the streamliner and I will see her Friday morning when I return. The Allen domicile is cleaned spic and span as if the bride is already to arrive. Bobby has everything the 26th, and the Allen family is ; 2 : The new draft regulation has eased the tension somewhat in the Allen household. I will be seeing you soon, I hope. With kindest regards to all your good family, I am 3 | Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Eduoation, FCA:AH : : Varsity Basketball Coach.