University of Nebraska Lincoln - University of Oklahoma Norman University of Missouri Columbia Office of University of Kansas Commissioner of Officals Lawrence Big S Kansas State College ° Manhattan Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Iowa State College 342 So. Chelsea Avenue Ames _ KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI conference that they may get common ideas of good officating. I hope we will be able to do this more next year; since this season proved that we still can draw crowds. I sold this idea to the Directors, and it was not difficult to do, when I first began this work. While it is true some schools have been able to draw cpowds in both football and basketbaii otners have been pretty hard hit. It is difficult to establish a policy that has to be altered in some cases; we did alter tne policy inregard to the Kansas-Oklahoma game. Notice where Jim St.Clair will be on hand for the Oklahoma- Oklahoma Aggie game at Norman this coming saturday night. I would go down if I didn't have so much work to do here. I had planned going to Lincoln this week-end butthat is out now. Will be up for your game with Iowa State on March 3rd. With all good wishes, I am, | Sincerely yours, ) R. E. Peters