SCHMID & COMPANY, INC. REPRESENTING imeeet = Serer KREGLINGER & FERNAU, LTD. COMPANIA SUD AMERICANA 24 MILK STREET vaca: gin aan KREGLINGER. LTDA. S. A. BosTON, MASSACHUSETTS (AUSTRALIA) Pry. LTD. BUENOS AIRES SYONEY. MELBOURNE MONT ree CHRISTCHURCH. N. Z. February 29, 1944. Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog" s It's been so long since I have had the pleasure of strolling up Mt. Oread to visit with you and other friends on the Hill that I should identify myself as the miniture would-be athlete of the years 1926--'31 who did his darndest to make the basketball teams which, as usual were made up of men so big and so good that midgets didn't get very far, despite the welcome you gave and fair chance had by all comers. A lot of water has gone over the dam and quite a bit of grass has been scuffed by my feet since I last saw you. 1 was in the insurance business for about ten years, save for a fev political crusade detours, and then in 1940 I began work for an engineering company of which I am still Treasurer. This concern did a job on the development of special confidentail devices for the armed forces but now must remain relatively inactive for the duration. Meanwhile this company has occupied much of my attention and after the war I will be here indefinitely I presume. Just now I am applying for a commission in the Marine Corps along with hundreds of others. The places that are to be filled with officers to be trained in the coming months require experience in working with younger fellows. Other things being the same, some preference may be given to men who have coached:.or instructed in athletics, participated personally in sports or who have taught school. For this purpose would you kindly be willing to write a letter to "to whom it may concern" saying what you can about my strenuous if not glory-crowned efforts to take a valuable part in K.U. athletics and refer to the work I did for several years as an assistant instructor of students taking Exercise courses. Anything you could provide in this line would be most appreciated, you may be as ured. I read with pride that your basketball teams have continued straightthrough the years to make an excellent showing every time, usually at the top when the season closes and often up in that rare atmosphere of national prominence. The boys in other parts of the country and even far away places in the world are learning a few of the smart and better slants