“The : PHILADELPHIA xartonat eacte c.ve Phillies PACKARD) BUILDING “*- "FIP BEEN TH AN D2 CH Ee S-eN Ur Sa Ree Ts a” R.R.M. CARPENTER, JR., PRESIDENT PHILADELPHIA 2,PA. HERBERT J. PENNOCK,GENERAL MANAGER Lg Muarch 10, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Aansas Dear Doctor Allen: Thank you for your speedy reply to my letter. Since it is too early for you to make a decision for the coming season, I will be glad to hear from you at a later date when you are more certain. I hope you will be free to act as our representative in that section, I feel it will be the beginning of a long and happy association. Baseball's policy for seventeen year old boys is that as long as they are free to sign we are anxious to acquire them. No boy already in the armed forces can be signed and while Commissioner Landis hasn't made any decision as yet, I don't think he will permit the elubs to retain control over players who enter the service without first being on the active list of some club. Of course, this is just my opinion and we are proceeding on these lines in our system. Please let me hear from you when you have the opportunity. Kindest regards and best wishes, Sincgrely yours, JFR:eam