Pfc. Vaughn W. 5. Pontius, 37724379, Co. E, Sth Inf., 2nd Bn., APO 4, o/o P.Me, New York, N.Y. Dear Chick: I am printing your letter in my Jayhawk Rebounds, but I am writing you now to tell you how proud we citizens of Lawrence are of your fine | record that you have made rseas. You certainly didn't stay in the States long and you got into the fighting much sooner than any of us had anticipated. And brother, how you got in} | I have never been wounded in Army combat but I have been in a lot of fights, but I camnot possibly conjure up in my wildest moments what a lot of fighting hell you have gone through. When you come back, Chick, you will take your place among the men who are going to run this country in the future, and I know that you will measure up to one who can take , great responsibility for the future welfare of the land in which you will live. i see your wife quite often at the bank. I always as and she, with a cheery smile, says, "ile is getting along fine." paper announced the fact that you were wounded I saw your wife he and told her how very proud we were of you. She had a very confident end proud smile. I could see written all over her face the pride she had for you. So remember, Chick, there are a lot of us that think you are doing & great, great job and we certainly want you back in a better position than you were before you left. I know that you will not fail any of your well-wishers. Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball coach. |