STRONG HINMAN PLANEVIEW - BEECHWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOLS FRANK K. REID, SUPERINTENDENT 3600 ROSS PARKWAY WICHITA 10, KANSAS DR. CLOY S. HOBSON ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM AND GUIDANCE July 27, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: No, I don't have "Better Basketball". I never took it out of the office and when I was gone from my desk I assumed that you had checked it out to someone else. However, since it was checked out to me, if you will let me know how much it is, I'll send you a check for that amount. I see by the papers that K. U. has anew Athletic Director. Also notice that Hlmer has applied for the job at Denver. Sure hope he gets it. Of course that would leave your football staff short, but that would be something for Quigley to worry about. Everything is going along fine here but my golf game suffers some from neglect. Assume your game is right up to par. If you happen to be down this way, bring your clubs and we'll go over some of these Wichita courses. Sincerely yours, Howard G. Porter HGP:s