es GOALS AND DIVISION OF FUNDS oe Agsigument of Quotas and Determination of Chapter Requirements Each Chapter will be assigned a quota for its share of the funds needed by the National Organization to cover the national and international activities, ; Each Chapter will prepare an estimate of the sum it will require for ~ approximately one year's operations from March 1, 1944, Each Chapter estimate of its requirements when approved by the Area Manager will be included in the announced minimum campaign goal for that JPapiers Thus the campaign goal for each ‘Taio will congiat of (1) the quota of the national fund assigned. to he, BE ia) its. approved estimate of require- ments for its local work, Tt is recognized. that ae a ‘limited number of smaller Chapters with very large military stations adjacent to them, the above method of establishing campaign goals may “not bé applicable and special arrangements will be authorized. for such cases, lk. Division of funds between National Onganization ‘and Chapters “al funds ‘received. dy. each Chapter which are. included as a part of thet Chapter's campaign collections are to be divided ‘between the National ‘Organiza- . tion and thé Chapter in the, ratio that the national. quota_and the local cee requirements of that Chapter bear to the total. to be raised by the Chapter. For example, if a Chapter has a national quota of $100,000. and local ‘requirements : of $50,000., two-thirds of all funds raised by that Chapter will be remitted to. the National Organization and one-third: will “be retained-by ‘the Chapter. = 5. Chapter ‘Announcements of War Fund ‘Ceinpa ten’ he wise ai oe — Each Chapter should officially announce to the public before the.,opening of the campaign March i 19hh, ‘the total amount to be raised by that Chapter and specify the ‘portion. of that total which is for the national fund and the | portion for the Chapterts local requirements. ‘Such announcements should also specify that all contributions received by the Chapter will he divided between the National Organization and the ‘Chapter in the: ratio that the pational quote and’ the Chapter goal bear to the total sum to be. raised by. the. Chapter. 6. No Over-run in Assigned Quotas. For the March 1944 Campaign the quotas assigned to the Chapters for the national fund will be as nearly ‘equal to the announced national fund as the mathematical application of, the quota system will permit ; that is, there will not be added to the announced total any margin of over-run for the. national fund in the’ aggregate of the quotas assigned to. the Chapters,