= — - A. Total raised to date, including cash, pledges and allocations. (The next three items make up the total shown in A) B. Total cash received. C, Total unpaid pledges on hand. : D. Total allocations reported by the Area Office as credits to the Jhapter goal. E. Individual contributions of $10, 000, or more. showing the name of the . contributor and the amount received or pledged. Each such contribution need he reported only once. when it is mnees ee. shopizatng with March aocheus in eae i ond II should report to sha murcunieks Area Office the above information daily by telegraph coded “AT, "B" ete., AS aaeeaet g Hiden cn with. aa Maen 5, ‘Jobh, ond on ‘each, Tuesday ‘and Tpides ereataae. Chapters in Groups III, IV, and V should. report by. postal card to. the appropriate Area Office the atove information. . The form to be used on such postal cards will be furnished by the National Organization... 14, Later Campaign Reports . + wens thparshttome btwert) It is important«that campaign recoris be maintained so that the following information ‘can. ‘be latér:.furnished ‘to ‘the National: Organization,: It is believed that: this information is likewise essential for :the: Chapter: campaign and will. be most valuable in planning future campaigns. .This -information will be reported by letter as follows: : ae F.. . Number of. individual. contributors, sneluding those on military reservations, of -$1. 00 or more, This number. will” constitute ‘the. membership of the Red: Cross. and ‘ghould. not include contributions | from ¢orporations, business firms, + ae, OF organizations. . gerund art pews any ae G. Contributions” received from organized: labor, | as. ‘far’ ‘as ‘possible, | ‘showing © : _the amounts. contriputed DY. 3, of” "te ‘nits, | C. I. .0.” “Units, The Railroad = “Brotherhoods, or other organized. groups, H. The total ambunt’ of ‘contributions received from military reservations “and the number of inet vipa). eves kaj ao ee sdinersbuinamtadaaiitsie . . aa 7 oN me ere "feysk agin PLEDGES AND HANDLING OF FUNDS 13), -peheacn inti a! sitet eae ‘Tnasmch as the war funds are ‘being raised and are required for current expenditure, all contributions to ‘the funi should be solicited in the form of cash, or piedges for cash payable within a reasonable period of time. Var contributions are made to the Chapters in the form of securities, such” ‘securities should pe sold cr retained by the pope and settlements made in’ cash for sums due the National Organization, — If securi ties are contributed in ‘such’ ‘Form that action by the Nationel Organization is required for their sale or disposition, the National Organization can send the necessary docunents authorizing the Chapter to act in making such sales, or the securities may be sold by the National Organization for the account of the Chapter.” A money equivalent for contributions of commodities in kind cannot be credited on the war fund collections.