ape AMERICAN RED CROSS MIDWESTERN AREA 1709 WASHINGTON AVENUE St. EOUisS 3s, MISSOURI Januery 17, 194% TO War Fund Chairmen FROM The Manager SUBJECT Workers! Training Manual ARC*1132 and Workers' Training Outline MA-4200 Successful organizations have found it desirable to employ the best talent available to assist in the training of their representatives. The Red Po Cross, realizing the need by chapter War Fund leaders for a guide to assist them in better preparing their volunteers who solicit funds and memberships, has pre-e pared these two Worker's Training Manuals for their use. Copi.s of the Workers' Training Manuals (ARC-1132 and MA+4200) are enclosed herewith. ARC-1132 has been prepared for use in training city workers. MA=4200 has been prepared for use in conducting workers’ training meetings in rural and small communities. These manuals suggest plans and techniques which may be used by chairmen, division chairmen, and other leaders in informing, training, and guiding their volunteer solicitors. They are not meant for distribution to workers. These three main points are emphasized: 1. General scope of Red Cross work. e. Facts about the campaign. 3. Plan and technique of solicitation. Because of the shortage in available manpower this year, it is more essential now than ever before that a well-trained group of workers take the field at the opening of the Campaign, We suggest that you give immediate attention to the organization of classes for the workers in all divisions, and that the Workers' Training Manuals be used as the basis for providing adequate instructions to all Zroups. There is enclosed a self-addressed postcard for use In ordering the additional number of these manuals your chapter will need in conducting your Workers! Training Meetings. ‘The supply is limited. However, we will éndeavor _ to fill chapters! requests as rapidly as received. Very truly yours, Ene. Manager LETS GIVE : YOUR RED CROSS IS AT HIS SIDE U~261 WAR FUND als Gem eeD