GQ Thousand Thanks These quotations from soldiers’ letters, statements by high-ranking officers, and war correspondents’ reports tell a vivid story. Except for face-to-face talks with men at the front or hospitalized here at home, nothing else could convey to you so well the meaning of Red Cross Services to the Armed Forces. To support this work and all the other life-conserving work of the Red Gross for the next twelve months will require more than $200,000,000. Never before has the need been so acute. Never before has your opportunity to help been so great. Will you do your share? aka ~7¢% Here in the remap aint: - nck i Cross has don 3 pti bance: On our oer o Fle, a x r from town, | ° most of which are fa d maintenance me feeling your Fine, Tho t 8 all right as eical Pe, as this leaves : flyers an clubs give our weary dfun. To the Red a neon Senet country- dine : hed puenesday and I hada smait : er : n a means ae welcome than the Re aro mde kind vl had ere ale jes. a rs - obile with American girls cone Moreen £0 remi ime all the way 5 co doughnuts and ata an nn alread ie yeu; Dad, what | tol pide Red Cross is making an invalue d cause thy! Please sive to th p nything “or on to the happiness, morale, 6n fomes suck _ ip ss k enty! Th Cross be. contri : it wasn’ Checkers ¥ Y Sive : «rit of Our Men. s 7 Cards, d fe us ee IRA C. EAKER or 228s soldier wou Go" know whee tout. General, U. S. A. Red Gaz So Dad, do ast They even Slve Lieu Commanding soldier, vod ust for me, oie Help he w it wo sing One for 7 mon ve been Our minds thout somes. YOU know hi P, rivate, “India Th fe o the Re, ross & eater writ oY the Sion) PUBLISHED FOR THE RED CROSS WAR FUND, MARCH 1-31, 1944