Form MA-8405 AMERICAN RED CROSS Midwestern Area ST. LOUIS 3, MO. February 4+, 1944 TO Chapter Chairmen FROM The Manager SUBJECT College Units atte Unit, increa in Ohio raised 220% cess of organizatig Armed Services will not be act on the subject. Field Direcigrs wi situations. undergraduate and graduate. The solicitation gf y nembers, administrative staff and other college employees who are nopéstuderts, will be handled by the general fund raising organization of the chatter / Suggestions valuable for College — Unit campaign organization can be taken from thé War Fund Cempaign Plan Book, ARC 1103, which you recently received. May we wish you success in enlisting your student groups in the Red Cross War Fund. Sincerely yours, es pj xe x? ey AEG C ee 9 H. F. Keisker oe , Manager Copy - War Fund Chairman U=412