THE AMERICAN RED CROSS IN WORLD WAR II This is what the Red Cross did last year. 1. It collected 5,000,000 pints of blood. 2. It gave personal aid to 3,800,000 service men. Oe It gave aid to 119,000 persons in major disasters. 4. It gave aid to 15,000 survivors of marine disasters. 5. It prepared 925,000,000 surgical dressings. 6. It made 12,000,000 garments. 7. It prepared 5,000,000 special packages for war prisoners. 8. It set up 350 overseas clubs for service men. 9 t ain 135,000 recreation programs in camps and os a 10. It recruited 50,000 nurses for army service. ll. It enlisted and trained 65,000 volunteers for nurse's aide. 12. It paced 85 large mobile units in operation overseas. The Red Cross is continuing all the work started last year and in most cases expanding their services. It is collecting 105,000 pints of blood per day. It is preparing 1,190,000 packages per month for Geneva. It is using the services of 6,000,000 volunteer workers and a total of only 18,555 paid workers at home and abroad. There are 330 volunteer workers for every paid worker. ee ' . . e e ~ ~ s ’ t Y #--The Red Cross is a civilizing force in a bruised and broken world. #--The Red Cross is our one great movement that helps those nobler qualities of mercy, charity and kindness to flower and bloom among human beings. #--Give To The Red Cross-~-It will help drive away bitterness and despair for millions of fellow Americans. #--The Red Cross Is Your Angel of Mercy. a ee Pre | AMERICAN RED CROSS MIDWESTERN AREA 1709 WASHINGTON AVENUE ST. LOUIS, (3) MISSOURI November 15, 1943 Judge Frank R. Gray, Chairman, Douglas County Chapter, American Red Cross, Court House, Lawrence, Kansas, My dear Judge Gray: Attached is a list of 1944 War Fund supplies and the amount of each suggested for use in your chapter. Due to war shortages of paper stock, our area allotment of most of the War Fund supply items has been reduced. A great reduction has been made in the number of cardboard posters but this has been offset by an increase in the © quantity of paper posters, so that the paper posters will be used for general display purposes this year. These war restrictions will necessitate very careful planning on the part of all chapters. Enclosed is a copy of the “War Fund and Publicity Supplies” leaflet which gives a description and the use of each of the supply items. The attached order is intended to cover only those items listed and other items mentioned in the leaflet are not available at this time. Chapters will be notified when this material is available and orders can be placed at that time. If a War Fund Chairman has been selected, you will wish to review this list with him, and after making any necessary adjustments, please return the pink copy to this office showing any revision in suggested quantities and shipping instructions. The white copy should be kept for your records. It is essential that the pink copy of the supply order form be returned to this office at your earliest convenience in order to facilitate the prompt delivery of supplies to you. Very truly yours, Manager. Enc: Supplies Leaflet Order Form £0 Ue Ns DE. PS eScet a. 2 2 Fs ' 2 TRE Ae Ty OF GEN Bo V8 Form 197 L SUPPLY ORDER FORM 1944 Red Cross War Fund THE AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS THE AMERICAN NATIONAL a er ( _ DOUGLAS CO. Chapter Midwestern Area ( 1709 Washington Avenue To: ( St. Louis 3, Missouri ( ! ( __ LAWRENCE, KANSAS. Below are the suggested quantities of supplies for the War Fund campaign in -your chapter and branches. It is HIGHLY IMPORTANT that you check them carefully before revising them. Revise the quantities by crossing out the suggested quantity and inserting the revised quantity on the right-hand side of the pink copy. IMPORTANT: Return the PINK copy to this office promptly. Give shipping in- structions, date you wish to receive supplies, and the names and addresses of your War Fund chairman and War Fund Publicity chairman, if they have been appointed. However, do not hold up the order on this account. Suggested ‘ Revised Quantities lies Quantities Bae I Ta a RS BO ial 3. 155 PERI SEE PO i de So apni Gin, SS cs 5.__ 1,000 PR ig 6.__ 4,900 Receipt Cards —" wee es ee ee ee eee coe oe 7.-__ 5,300 pa. TO a att eo bcc ciee 8.__5,300 I ae 9.__750 Workers Identification Cards ot —t——‘is ie en 12. Cards of Appreciation H. F. KEISKER MANAGER Form 197 L Rev. Aug. 1943 SUPPLY ORDER FORK 1944 Red Cross War Fund THE AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS THE AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS DOUGLAS CO.. ‘Chapter ( Midwestern Area ( 1709 Washington Avenue FROM: ( St. Louis 3, Missouri ( ( LAWRENCE, KANSAS We have checked the quantities of supplies listed below and find (correct them to be (correct with revisions Ship supplies Te deVeb ss bab awe 664 06 es Oe eee ee ao 1 ee Fs) 6 COPS o Hore me rere eneerrrereeseresseredeesereroresesesesesesessecsesecccscce cAGUrEesSsS Earliest date Supplies Msy Peach GispUer ss coo iss docs coc s ven sbuccdcecciconcds cucccs Date War Fund CRALEMAUs onde 05s Soko eis 60s 0 wha ctw s Gee eee 05046505 sib es sb oe ou bbe es obese vas ceas (Name) (Address) War Pum Padi ye Cha LPs 6a oe oi oe 5 as 0c vows ke 6 oes i we nk Suggested (Name) (Address) Revised Quantities Supplies Quantities 1. 26 Paper Posters SS a SS a Se a ae ee ee EE oe 2. 8&6 100% Posters 90 en Os ei 4. Couper Cord Posters. a 5, ee CO itttes Wiste OR eee Te es 8.__5,509 _ Window PO 9.__ 760 Noteerre teentitieation Cate 10._ 56. Ce er 11. 4,900 prt eee 12. Cards of Appreciation Signed Date Title AMERICAN RED CROSS MIDWESTERN AREA 1709 WASHINGTON AVENUE ST. LOUIS, (3) MISSOURI February 24, 1944 ‘Dr. Forrest C. Allen Chairman 1944 War Fund Campaign Douglas County Chapter American Red Cross Lawrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Alien: This is just to remind you that Kansas was first in reaching its 1943 War Fund goal in this area and that with your help we can do as well this year. In fact, if we all work fast enough we can reach that coveted "first place" in the nation! One of the points which will help tremendously in reaching our goal as a state is the regular and prompt reporting of con- tributions to this office. Will you please follow your instructions on this to the letter? Your challenge as War Fund Chairman is one of great responsibility at any time, but this year we are facing the biggest fund-raising effort in the history of any single organization. In other words, this memns a hard steady grind for all of us - So let's put our shoulder to the wheel and push! Sincerely yours, J 0: Baktt. (Miss) Irene A. Brockett Administrative Assistant Chapter Service a. 2. 22-2. 2S ees U2 2 = 8 oe ee A To o.f a fs: fF a CHAIRMAN VICE-CHAIRMAN SECRETARY Wade Pierce Harold G. Barr Mrs. C. W. Amidon EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE tangas acy «oge~sP HO AMERICAN. RED CROSS Harold C. Fisher Harold G. Barr DOUGLAS COUNTY CHAPTER Mrs. Fred R. Isaacs ~“, — Boardman R. B. Gawain Community Building as Telephone 803 Mrs. O. O. Stoland BALDWIN CITY. Dr. Homer K. Ebright LAWRENCE, KANSAS F. C. Leitnacker se x . C. B. Johnson WILLOW SPRINGS: MRS. W. T. DOUCE Otto Hack Executive Secretary MARION: —_ Boyce LECOMPTON: Mrs. George F. Bahnmaier GRANT: Richard Wise PALMYRA: Perry Stevens CLINTON: Charles Banning EUDORA: Miss Ellen Melville KANWAKA: Mrs. Merle Coleman WAKARUSA: (East) Ralph Ward (West) Mrs. Roger Williams Board Members and Veacherr Rural Douglas County TREASURER Riley Burcham COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN HOME SERVICE Miss Esther E. Twente CHILD WELFARE Miss Esther E. Twente HOME NURSING Mrs. Joseph W. Murray WATER SAFETY Miss Ruth Hoover FIRST AID Parke H. Woodard, M.D. ACCIDENT PREVENTION John Callahan JUNIOR RED CROSS is. -1. Miss Kathryn Tissue CAMP and HOSPITAL SERVICE Mrs. C. W. Amidon NURSE RECRUITMENT Miss Electa Kindlesper jperger VOLUNTEER SPECIAL SERVICES Mrs. 1 J. Dodds PRODUCTIO. Miss Andris Rife BLOOD DONOR SERVICE Ralph I. Canuteson, M.D. Most peopis enjoy gewsing the jump on the other fellow--that's what I'm doing now so that you can do tho same thing, On or about the first of March the people of the United States will be givon the privilege of donating two hundred million doilars to the American Red Cross, Wo would like, when that date rolls arcund, to surprise the City Folks by having the jump on them to the extent we can report our job done. You knew the neod for the Red Cross but those who have any doubts should check on such items as: blood donor banks, disaster refief, loans to distressed service men and women, securing emergency passes for those in the service, communicating with those in hospitals or prison camps, teaching first aid, training auxiliary nurses, child welfare work, etc. With about three thousand from our County in service some--we are sorry to say~--will be needing the Red Cross. We must bo ready when that need comes. I have had close contacts with most of those in the service from Rural Douglas County. Could not each District dedicate its contribution to the honor of those in servico from that District? If you so decide, use the form inclosed for your convenience in reporting tho names of those so honored. We hope to use those names in a way that will please everyone concerned. Send in the list when making the financial report from your District. The District Clork will receive a card on which to report the name of the person to whom you decide supplies should be sent. I presume the Director will set the time for your meeting. This should be done soon if we are to get the jump on the other folks. Township chairman listed in this letter head will be on the job and ready to assist. They may find time to call on you. Your success in the past has shown that you can get the job done. Respectful tly @ Se Kev Harold ©, Fisher, Rural Chairman City Hall, Lawrence, Kansas CHAIRMAN Wade Pierce EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE LAWRENCE: Wade Pierce Harold C. Fisher Harold G. Barr Mrs. Fred R. Isaacs Mrs. W. C. Boardman M. S. Winter R. B. Stevens Mrs. O. O. Stoland Mrs. C. B. Holmes BALDWIN CITY: Dr. Homer K. Ebright F. C. Leitnacker EUDORA CITY: Mrs. C. B. Johnson WILLOW SPRINGS: Otto Hack MARION: Hugh Boye LECOMPTON: Mrs. George F. Bahnmaier GRANT: Richard Wise PALMYRA: Perry Stevens CLINTON: Charles Banning EUDORA: Miss Ellen Melville NWAKA: Mrs. Merle Coleman WAKARUSA: (East) Ralph Ward (West) Mrs. Roger Williams The 1944 Red Cross War Fund Drive starts today. Douglas County's quota is $29,100.00 which is a 70% VICE-CHAIRMAN SECRETARY Harold G. Barr Mrs. C. W. Amidon THE AMERICAN RED CROSS DOUGLAS COUNTY CHAPTER Community Building me LAWRENCE, KANSAS Telephone 803 MRS. W. T. DOUCE Executive Secretary March 1, 1944 TREASURER Riley Burcham COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN HOME SERVICE Miss Esther E. Twente CHILD WELFARE Miss Esther E. Twente HOME NURSING Mrs. Joseph W. Murray WATER SAFETY Miss Ruth Hoover FIRST AID Parke H. Woodard, M.D. ACCIDENT PREVENTION John Callahan JUNIOR RED CROSS Mrs. I. W. Hartley NUTRITION and FOODS Miss Kathryn Tissue CAMP and HOSPITAL SERVICE Mrs. C. W. idon NURSE RECRUITMENT Miss Electa Kindlesperger VOLUNTEER SPECIAL SERVICES Mrs. Caryl J. Dodds PRODUCTION Mrs. H. B. Chubb MOTOR CORPS Mrs. M. S. Winter NURSE'S AIDE Mrs. R. H. Beamer EEN Miss Andris Rife BLOOD DONOR SERVICE Ralph I. Canuteson, M.D. increase over last yearts quota, Our need is greater than ever before, We realize that as individuals you will make a contribution to this drive but in order to reach our goal we must ask clubs and lodges to contribute as generously as possibile, We appreciate your help in years past and hope you will dig even deeper this time, rte. Corlett J, Cotton, chairman Clubs & Lodges Solicitation WAR FUND AND PULBLUCHING SUIPPILUaS + 1944 Red Cross War Fund March 1-31, 1944 The American National Red Cross Washington, D. C. WAR FUND AND PUBLICITY SUPPLIES WORKERS’ SUPPLIES MEMBERSHIP RECEIPT CARD—The receipt card, 2-5/16” x 314”, is to be given only to contributors of $1 or more, as indication of their membership in the American Red Cross. On the reverse side is a 1944 calendar. THE LAPEL TAB—The tab is to be given to every adult con- tributor, regardless of the size of contribution. The tab is a cutout miniature Red Cross flag measuring approximately 14” x 34”, made of mill-end metal scraps. An extension above the flag folds over, permitting attachment in a coat buttonhole or on the edge of a lapel or pocket. THE WINDOW EMBLEM—The window emblem is another supply item given to all adult contributors regardless of the amount con- tributed. It is for display in the windows of contributors’ homes. The emblem will be a four-inch diamond; two edges of the face are gummed. It will carry the red cross on the white background and the words, “1944 War Fund.” 100% POSTER—This poster will be 7” x 9”, top and bottom edges of the face gummed. It is intended for display in offices, stores, fac- tories, banks, libraries, clubs, etc., when the entire personnel has con- tributed 100 percent. This poster also should be made available to separate departments and sections of large firms. THE CONTRIBUTORS’ LIST—This form will provide space for listing the names of twenty-five individual contributors, their home addresses, and the amount of contribution made by each. It will bear the union label. Instructions and suggestions for the volunteer solici- tor are printed on the reverse side of the form. THE VOLUNTEER WORKERS’ IDENTIFICATION CARD— This is to be carried by campaign workers while on duty and should be used for no other purpose. Arrangements should be made to have these cards returned to the chapter at the close of the campaign. The’ card is 314” x 214”. On the face is an identification of the worker, to be signed by the War Fund Chairman. On the back is a pledge to be signed by the worker. CARD OF APPRECIATION—The card of appreciation is a cer- tificate for award to volunteer War Fund workers in recognition of their services. The card 314” x 514”, bears the facsimile signature of the President of the United States and of the Chairman of the American Red Cross. Spaces are provided for signatures of the chapter chairman and chapter War Fund chairman. The name of the chapter and name of the War Fund worker awarded the certificate must be filled in on the face of the card. DISPLAY MATERIAL WINDOW CARD POSTER—This poster shows a typical American mother and father, with pride and confidence placing a Red Cross War Fund sticker on the window of their home, beside a starred serv- ice flag. The legend is “Your Red Cross is at his side.” This poster, mounted on cardboard 1414” x 20”, will be in full color. It has been painted by Douglass Crockwell. PAPER POSTERS—A special paper poster, 22” x 28”, showing two Red Cross workers with a serviceman near a battle line, painted by Jes Schlaikjer, is the second principal display item. COUNTER CARD POSTERS—This is an easel-back, 7” x 1014” card for counters, windows, desks, showing a glorified red cross with converging rays underneath and the words, “Let’s give! Red Cross War Fund.” It is the work of Victor Keppler. BILLBOARD POSTERS—The design will be the same as the window card poster. The posters will be distributed nationally through the cooperation of the Outdoor Advertising Association. Chapters should contact the local plant owners well in advance of the campaign to assure that arrangements have been completed. CAR CARDS—National headquarters will not furnish car cards. It is recommended chapters prepare their own cards for use in street cars, buses, and subways. This will permit them to give their local quotas and War Fund headquarters’ address. MAIL TRUCK POSTERS—National headquarters is making ar- rangements to place special posters on all United States Post Office trucks during the campaign. LITERATURE CAMPAIGN PLAN BOOK—The Plan Book is a guide on the con- duct of the War Fund, issued for the use of chapter and branch chair- men, War Fund chairmen, and the members of the War Fund Planning Committee. Sufficient copies are available for division chairmen. INFORMATION LEAFLET—The Information Leaflet will be a 6-page rotogravure folder in colors, size 314,” x 534”. The cover illus- tration is a monotone reproduction of the paper poster by Jes Schlaik- jer. It will contain illustrated information descriptive of Red Cross war services and a brief statement of national Red Cross expenditures combined with an appeal for the War Fund. The leaflet fits readily into small envelopes of public utility and other companies together with their monthly statement. FACTS PAMPHLET —This will be a 24-page illustrated booklet describing Red Cross activities for the year 1943. Much greater quan- tities will be available for the 1944 campaign than for any previous year. It will provide readable and quotable source material, arranged for ready reference for writers, speakers, and key campaign workers. ROTO TABLOID—Four-page pictorial tabloid with outside dimen- sions of 1034” x 1514”. It will picture dramatically Red Cross serv- ices having special War Fund appeal, with brief descriptive text. Effective as a Sunday newspaper insert if this can be arranged with local publishers, but to comply with postal regulations such distribu- tion must be limited to deliveries by carrier or other copies not for- warded through the mail. It also may be distributed through other channels. Also especially valuable to fund workers as a visual aid in solicitation. NOTE PLEASE: The INFORMATION LEAFLET, FACTS, and the ROTO TABLOID must not be made public before January 1, 1944, ner released for public use too far in advance of the opening of the local campaign. RED CROSS COURIER—The February issue will be a special War Fund edition. PUBLICITY SUPPLIES The local publicity of the chapter will be supported by a carefully planned national campaign handled by the Office of Public Relations working from Washington and the area offices. Press, wire services, news and photo syndicates, radio, magazines, and theaters will be used extensively to publicize the War Fund appeal. The Office of Public Relations also furnishes supplementary material to chapters to aid in their local publicity. Some of the principal fea- tures of this year’s publicity programs, to which others may be added, follow: NEWSPAPERS FEATURE SHEET —In addition to the “spot” news stories issued by the national organization to all national news agencies, a series of news stories, feature articles, editorial cartoons, picture mats, and special War Fund material will be furnished to the chapters some- time before the campaign in the form of a clip sheet of several pages called the War Fund Feature Sheet. Much of this material will be written with a view to ready localization, and material will also be supplied for special sections of newspapers. The picture mats and editorial cartoon mats will be numbered so that copies may be ordered. RED CROSS NEWS SERVICE—tThe national clip sheet will be issued weekly beginning one month before the campaign and con- tinuing through March. The News Service will carry stories and features of a more timely nature than contained in the War Fund Feature Sheet. Several issues will be devoted exclusively to timely mats of news pictures which may be ordered from the area offices. Stories in the News Service should be adapted for local use and also made available to the Speakers Bureau. MATRIX FEATURES—lIn addition to the mats offered to the chapters in the War Fund Feature Sheet and in the News Service, national headquarters will furnish photo and illustrated features in “mat” form direct to daily newspapers through one of the mat syndi- cates. These mats are not furnished to the chapters. ELECTROPLATE FEATURES—“Boiler plates” containing War Fund stories and pictures will be offered to a special list of about four thousand small newspapers throughout the country for use during the two weeks preceding and the first two weeks of the campaign. Plates are sent directly to newspapers by the Publicity Department. ADVERTISING—Proofs of suggested War Fund ads of several sizes for use in donated space in newspapers and other local and regional periodicals will be furnished to chapters together with in- structions on their use and how to order the mats. All national adver- tising material for newspapers and magazines will be handled by the War Advertising Council in cooperation with the Red Cross. CLERGY LETTER—This letter is intended for presentation to the clergy of all faiths throughout the chapter jurisdiction. It is an appeal for the cooperation of the churches in observing Red Cross Sunday. SPEAKERS’ MATERIAL—War Fund speeches, covering indi- vidual Red Cross Services, and general talks will be made available to chapters. The chapter Speakers Bureau Manual and Red Cross Speakers Bureau Kit also contain valuable suggestions. STATEMENTS OF SUPPORT FROM PROMINENT PERSONS —A number of statements from prominent Americans endorsing the War Fund will be made available to chapters as they are obtained by the national organization. Suggested proclamations also will be fur- nished to chapters. CARTOONISTS AND SYNDICATES—The Publicity Department at national headquarters by letter invites newspaper artists and the feature organizations to publicize the War Fund in individual car- toons, and in comic strips and other feature series. Chapters should also contact local newspaper cartoonists through the paper’s editor. RADIO Radio Sections will arrange special network broadcasts and spot announcements on leading coast-to-coast programs. The possibility of a kickoff show now is being discussed with officials of the Office of War Information, but as yet plans are not definite. RECORDED PROGRAMS—Fifteen special War Fund dramatic transcriptions, featuring stars of the stage and screen, will be avail- able without cost to all chapters where radio stations are located. These programs will fit in with the current year-round series, “Service Unlimited,” following the same general format, but including appeals for funds. They will provide time for local appeals. RADIO SCRIPTS—Through the script and recording exchange catalog, radio scripts, including interviews and simple dramatic pro- grams on all Red Cross services, also will be provided. As indicated above, many spot announcements will be handled nationally. There will, however, be some written especially for local chapters’ use. MOTION PICTURES WAR FUND DOCUMENTARY FILM—A 10-minute reel to be distributed through the War Activities Committee of the motion picture industry to 15,000 theaters prior to and during the campaign. Like the 1948 film, “Since Pearl Harbor,” it will be produced by the March of Time and will give a dramatic picture of Red Cross services of greatest public interest at that time. WAR FUND TRAILER—National headquarters will arrange for the production of a motion picture trailer which will be distributed during the campaign to more than 15,000 theaters throughout the country, through the courtesy of the War Activities Committee of the motion picture industry. Chapters will not handle the distribution of these trailers. The showing will coincide with Red Cross Week in the movie houses, date to be announced later. OTHER FILMS—Information regarding other Red Cross motion pictures in 16 mm. and 35 mm. may be obtained from area offices. A number of issues of Red Cross newsreels will be available to chapters for nontheatrical showing before and during the campaign. Arrange- ments will be made also to provide the newsreel companies and other motion picture producers with suitable Red Cross material. GENERAL MAGAZINES—National headquarters is arranging for many nationally circulated magazines to carry Red Cross covers, articles, and sponsored advertisements in their March issues. More than one. thousand trade, class, and technical magazines of national circulation will receive War Fund stories for use in their March issues. These stories as well as the cuts are serviced from Washington. SPECIAL SERVICES—Special stories will be furnished by na- tional headquarters to labor, farm, church, and fraternal publications. SUGGESTED WINDOW DISPLAYS—A large sheet illustrated with suggested window displays will be sent to chapters to furnish ideas for War Fund displays. RAILROAD PUBLICITY—The national organization makes ar- rangements with the railroad systems either to print a small illustra- tion of the poster and an invitation to support the War Fund upon their dining car menus or to distribute in the dining cars an attractive postcard picturing it. A number of railroad systems will be provided posters from Washington to display in their stations. ARC 1125 Rev. Nov. 1943 + AMERICAN RED CROSS MIDWESTERN AREA 1709 WASHINGTON AVENUE ST. LOUIS 3, MISSOURI TO: War Fund Chairmen DATE: April 25, 1944 FROM: Director of Fund Raising SUBJECT: 1944 War Fund Supplies After the completion of the 1944 War Fund campaign, you will doubtless have quantities of certain supply items left over. Please handle the surplus supply items as follows: 1. Lapel Tabs - Arrange to store the entire supply for future use. (We are giving some consideration to using exactly the same form of tab for the 1945 War Fund campaign. ) 2. Contributors Lists - Arrange to store the entire supply for future use. (This same form probably will be used in next campaign.) 3. Membership Receipt Cards - Retain a sufficient number for use of delayed contributions until the new supply is ready for next year. Destroy the balance. 4, Window Emblems - Same as No. 3. 5. Volunteer Workers Identification Cards - Destroy unused cards as they are dated and are not useable in another campaign. 6. 100% Posters - Destroy unused balance as this item is dated and ee cannot be used in future campaigns. 7. Counter Cards - Store balance for future use. 8. Paper Posters - Same as No. 7 9. Window Card Posters - Cut off bottom strip containing words "1944 War Fund", and save supply for future use. It is particularly important that you retain all display posters possible, as government control measures will definitely limit our display material next year. When destroying the above listed items, arrangements should be made to dispose of them in some manner so that they cannot be used by anyone else. Very truly yours, fans. _ Vern ¥. Moore <.-Dire¢tor of Fund Raising LETS GIVE + YOUR RED CROSS IS AT HIS SIDE v=69 WAR FUND ates ae ted + AMERICAN RED CROSS NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON 13, D. C. Merch 28, 194) TOs War Fund Chairmen FROM: Mr. Leon Fraser SUBJECT: 1944 Red Cross War Fund Campaign March, the month designated for the conduct of the 1944 Red Cross War Fund, is rapidly drawing to a close. With a total of $137,692,528 reported as of today - 68.5 per cent of the total - a successful campaign seers assured. . Many chapters will not have reached their objective by March 31st and there is no question but that they should continue their efforts until everyone has been offered the opportunity to contribute and their goals have been reached or exceeded. The $200,000,000 asked in this campaign is the minimm needed if the Red Cross is to continue without curtailment of its present program of services to our men under arms and to their families. Every chapter must reach its goal if the campaign is to be completely successful. Please report promptly to your Area Office when your goal is reached. Z a Leon Fraser, National Chairman, 1944 Red Cross War Fund. Cae SCS | YOUR RED CROSS IS AT HIS SIDE WAR FUND tty et ee me Y% y 7 ey vA A O V OF KANSAS TWAT HAVE REACHED NO. 3 1 ROLL CHAPTERS OR EXCEEDED THEIR MINIMUM GOALS AS RECORDED IN THE AREA OFFICE MARCH 23, 1944 Listed in this issue are those chapters that have been recorded in the Area office as having reached or exceeded their minimum goals during the period March 16 to March 23. No. I and No. 2 for chapters reported over goals prior to March 16.) Chapters are listed ONLY if actual figures showing goal reached or excelled are given in the chapter's report. Anderson County Gove County Butler County Greeley County Caney Haskell County Chautauqua County Hodgeman County Cloud County Kearney County Coffey County Kingman County Coffeyville Kiowa County Finney County — Linn County | Miami County Mitchell County Bourbon County Tabette County (See Honor Rolls McPherson County Ness County Osage County Pawnee County Rush County Seward County Wallace County Rawlins County Thomas County Trego County CHAPTERS IN MIDWESTERN AREA THAT HAVE REACHED No. of Chapters State Chapters Over Goal Arkansas 719 PRE Colorado 69 12 Illinois 125 22 Towa 129 hO Kansas | 114 Ss Michigan 8h 10 Minnesota | 89 ao Missouri 119 18 Montana oT 22 State Nebraska New Mexico North Dakota Oklahoma South Dakota Texas Wisconsin Wyoming OR EXCEEDED GOALS No. of Chapters Chapters Over Goal 2 Se aT a0 > 53 6 82 sae 70 14 2h9g a 87 12 31 9 1944 RED CROSS WAR FUND AMERICAN RED CROSS Fore Moe Oh09 Midwestern Area 1709 Washington Ave. St. Louis 3, Mo. TO FROM SUBJECT Be 1, and national supplies. campaigns. The purpose of this a last-minute check on all matg pass on a few additional sug¢ chapters. needs must be met. to help them inform the public. Be sure to maj of these responsible individuals through thefentirg campaign month. This year, publicity material has béen made available for all media. Be certain that your campaign has the active support of all media. As a working reminder to you, we offer herewith a check list of "musts" for a total campaign. Check off the services you have rendered to media. Supple- ment what you already have done. as conditions demand. Be confident in your own: mind that the foundation is set for the best campaign information and publicity for your community that has yet been devised. IT WILL BE NEEDED! er eee, RED CROSS WAR FUND PUBLICITY CHECK LIST (Check yourself on these: FACTS . 1. Distribution to key people in chapter?._............. cee PN eee RN a as Ooules £0 Gpeakers Goctions i. 6 ee Cs ee RR ( 53. Copy to news editors and radio stations? ee ey Oe ( We Re 80 Sone ee a ( Dn CORY BO CIA ye a Hs ee ee a ( 6.) Copies to organization heads? 2 ee en ek Dei pROOy TS CLVAG Denieraty: eo oe i Le es, coe ROTOGRAVURE=TABLO IDS 1. Arranged for carrier newspaper distribution? ... vA 2. Arranged for house-to-house distribution by Junior Red Cites ( 3. Made available as enclosure for large mailings? f 4... Disteioution te: nudtendee? (-) 2 a Le BO oe | ( 5. Display on public windows and Haliet in bearer ae ( ‘6. Distribution to doctors' offices, pe ee 88 Club rooms and dimites Josations? os Se ae ee Re et INFORMATION LEAFLET L. Made available! as enclosure for mailings?) . 6 8 ( 2. Provided as newspaper insert for carrier circulation? ...-... G 3. Distribution at churches, theaters, rnilroad stations, etc.?............. ( WAR FUND FEATURE SHEET Ly PUBUPIOULION BO speekeras oo ee ee oT gee ae ae ‘ 2. Provided to newspapers, house organs, and other local publications? oe Se COpies, bo-wenio stations? 2 5 oe ee PNR ea ee eee ( NEWS SERVICE SHEET AND OVERSEAS NEWS SHEET Ll. Provided to speakers, news editors and. radio news editors? =~ =... ( 2. Use for display eee ae ee ( WINDOW DISPLAYS : i I. Extensive use of Red Cross action photographs? sss ss iwi‘ a 2. Complete window display units? (Available through Color Print, _ eR Re CORON rc Or ee ( 3. Use of sepia photo enlargements available through Area office? 7 ( 4, Use of local production items, Junior Red Cross, and Volunteer ‘Special Services Fe en vce evennsesenrcseeeasenses nary Lee ar ee ge ( De Posters prepared: in athople? "|. Ok Pee Roe seni ee ne ( 6. Distribution of War Fund posters thous Local Apane laine group and retailers’ association? .... eT es ey, PS eae ( {+ Solicitation of retailers for window’ space? =... ny ( 6S. Build windows around Red Cross magezine covers and special Pontus artitiba ant faymitst 2 a ee es ( 9. Make photo enlargements of pertinent Red Cross quotations, CRORE Oe OF Ceuta ie tO yO i ee eee a 10. Use Red Cross Courier as window abagis uy theme dramatizing BGUITI TICS. OL Wat parvice proprant = oo cic) ee ( ll. Make up special display panels emphasizing Red Cross news, | POO TUNGE Ce a a ie pe ON ( "nN Se ad ——— —— We ee agi” eee ee Ne Ne Se SNe er Na Ne ee PRESS MATERIAL 1. Rewrite stories: from: (2) Red Cross Overseas News? ..............-.:2.2....- Da ge oe Se EUa2 (a4 fed OnGee News Geevide Sheet? ee ee? 5) PHL MATION GRAV ICE oe ee ye (iy War Pane Peete Gubet. ca a Se ai fa eg ) 2. Distribution of news mate to newspapers, house organs, etc.? .........2.2-.. ee 3. Use of sponsored advertising proof book ond mats? ..............-2:eeeeeeeeee ti) h, Solicitation of potential advertisers? __... ce ein pata Bue ee epee . 3 MOTION PICTURES i. Check with theater managers on showing at "At His Side"? 22. 0... 22.2... (4 2. Purchase or rental of "At His Side" for community showings? ...........--.- Ca 3. Purchase or rental of Red Cross Newsreels for community or group Bei EGEE A a ee ee CG a. CG 4k. Purchase or rental Or Other Hed Cross Tidmat e ior open dl: CJ SPEAKERS 1. Scheduling March eiaiawoue before importent organizations? oe 2. Appeals at theaters or other CONT HAGT IORI ee ee a ee G+) 3. Providing speckers for church, school, club, and other group meetings,..( ) 4, Arranging for qualified speakers on radiot el i te ge MRS eg a te ced ) PLUS SUGGESTIONS WAR FUND ENDORSEMENTS i. Run one endorsement each day of March in editorial page or front page box of newspaper. Use endorsements as basis for redio station plugs. Provide endorsements to speakers of merit outside Red Cross. . Provide to newspapers as "colum fillers." . Provide to advertisers for insertion in display advertisements. » Reproduce for posting on bulletin boards and windows. NW FOI! NATIONAL RADIO 1. Use radio stars’ pictures as basis for window display to publicize national radio programs on Red Cross. (Pictures may be obtained from local radio station.) 2. Pick up quotes on Red Cross as used by notables on radio and display with photos. 3. Publicize local programs, "Service Unlimited," and network shows extensively. MISCELLANEOUS | l. Fesay ‘contests on Red Cross in schools. 2.. Prepare short human interest stories on incidents occurring dur ing the campaign for boxed feature item each day in newspaper. 3. Campaign "kick-off" meetings, parades, etc. 4. Display of Red Cross flags in business district. (For additional suggestions see January 28 issue of PUBLIC INFORMATION SERVICE, ) Don L. Short Copy - War Fund Chairman Director Public Information Chairman Public Information U-611 nea MIDWESTERN AREA Release: repruary 29 THE AMERICAN RED CROSS jee puebons ST. LOUIS, MO. NEWS SERVICE RED CROSS WORKERS POISED FOR ACTION IN WAR FUND APPEAL (You may be giving attention to the day-before-the- start copy. Here are statements from Washington that could be included in your local stories.) WASHINGTON. -- Volunteers of more than 10,000 communities were on the starting line today, ready for the annual American Red Cross War Fund campaign to raise $200, 000,000, the minimum mentees to continue Red Cross services both overseas and at home, according to the statement of Leon Fraser, New York City, campaign chairman. An estimated 3,000,000 workers, many of them with sons or husbands in the war, are ready to begin a nation-wide door-to-door canvass to gather in Red Cross contri- butions, Mr. Fraser said. Ninety per cent of the $200,000,000 fund, he reported, will be spent on the ever-expanding Red Cross service to American soldiers and sailors in distant theatres of war, and their families in the United States. Approximately $60,000,000 of the sum to be raised will remain in Red Cross chapters throughout the country for direct aid to servicemen, their dependents in distress, and home front emergencies and services such as disasters. President Roosevelt, by official proclamation, has designated March as "Red Cross month." In his proclamation message he called upon the American people to observe the month "by opening their hearts to this humanitarian appeal," pointing out that the war has entered a decisive stage "requiring the fullest measure of individual sacrifice." Norman H. Dette; chairman of the American Red Cross, meanwhile, declared that the Red Cross during the next 12 months must agsume a greater burden than ever before in its history. ao = "The American people must anticipate greater and greater demands upon their Red Cross," he said. "For not only must we edaihtnnia the services we are now giving troops throughout the world, and their dependents at home, but we will be expected to assume an increasing burden necessitated by the return of wounded and disabled service men to civilian life. "Red Cross has agreed," he sieht "to assist returning servicemen in their adjustment period. We have agreed to provide temporary financial aid to servicemen discharged with disabilities, when that aid is needed, during the period pending decision on claims for government benefits. "In the coming year we must increase the supply of blood for plasma so neces- sary in saving the lives of wounded men. We must also meet the demands of the military for surgical dressings, and expand our war nurse recruitment program. "As the war continues, greater and greater ides of prisoner-of-war food parcels must be packed and shipped by the Red Cross for those Americans who are taken prisoner by the enemy. "These are but a few of the urgent demands upon the American Red Cross. Its responsibilities are the responsibilities of all the people. We are confident the fund will be oversubscribed so that the Red Cross can be kept at the side of our servicemen.” Tet 2-28-14 U-598 Date The 1944 Red Cross War Fund Campaign of the Chapter will start (War Fund Chairman) (Address) ate PLEASE RETURN IMMEDTATELY U--641-2 ( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS | American Red Cross, Midwestern Area, 1709 Washington Avenue, St. Louis, 3, Missouri. amy + AMERICAN RED CROSS MIDWESTERN AREA 1709 WASHINGTON AVENUE ST. LOUIS 3, MISSOURI February 28, 1944 TO Wer Fund Ch 1a.ixmen FROM The Manager SUBJECT 1944 War Fund Campaign Records and Reports. Attached to my letter of November 26, 1943, was a statement of caripaign procedures. —— in these campaign procedures were instructions on campaign reports. ‘These reporting procedures ere being listed below for your ready reference. In order that the Area Office may have a complete picture of the progress of the War Fund campeign, it is necessary that each chapter arrange to make current reports promptly. In order that we will not be expecting*a report» from your chapter prior to the opening of your campaign, we are enclosing herewith a returned addressed postal card for your use in advising us the starting date. Please let us have this information by return wa Ss ete a4 The reports ioinaien below are the minimum necessary for the effective conduct of the campaign so that it may proceed in an orderly and coordinated manner , both in the chapter and at headquarters. The reports requested are divided into ‘two categories: (1) Current reports on the progress of the ‘campaien; and (2) later Campaign reports. You should make sure that arrangements are made to have the sate lh requested. - in ae reports available for transmittal to this office. CURRENT REPORTS ON THE PROGRESS ‘OF THE CAMPAIGN By Postal Card or en Chapter should on ae ‘Soscday and ay during the Sonne et report te this off ies by postal card or ee ‘the ae ta information : ‘A. Totel raised to date, ‘including cash,’ pledges, and altocations } (The next 3 items make up the total shown in A.) B. Total cash received. C, ‘Ttal unpaid pledges on hand. D. Total allocations reported by the Area Office as credits to tae chapter goal. acs = E. Tadividual contributions of $10, 000 or. more , showing the nane of the contributor and the amount received or pledged. (Fach such contribution need be reported only once, when it is received. ) Gael WAR FUND rede ed YOUR RED CROSS IS AT HIS SIDE i U=641-1 Beginning with the first week of the campaign, which open March 1, we will prepare an honor roll of chapters achieving their quotas. Only chapters reporting accome plisiments in specific figures can be considered in the preparation of the weekly honor roll. We wish to recognize in this way the achievements of all successful chapters in this, the most important War Fund campaign in the history of Red Cross. POST CAMPAIGN REPORTING In addition to the items enumerated under Current Reports, it is essential that adequate records be maintained so that a final report can be submitted at the close of the campaign which will furnish the following information: By Letter F. Number of individual contributors, including those on military reservations, of one dollar or more. This number will constitute .the membership of the Red Cross and should not inciude contribue- tions from corporations, business firms, or organizations... G. Total amount of contributions received from organized labor affili- ated with A.F.of L. Unions (supported by a list showing the namo and number of the union, the amount received, number of members contributing, and the name of the company). H. Total amount of contributions received from organized: labor affili- ated with C.I.0. Unions (supported by a list showing the name and number of the union, the amount received, number of members contributing and the name of the company). a4 I. Total anount of contributions received from military ses nainnks ase and number of contributors of one dollar or more. It is of course understood that if there are no A.F.of L. or C.I.0. » Unions or military reservations in the jurisdiction of the chapter, items G, H, and I, need not be provided for in the records to be maintained. REMITTANCE OF NATIONAL ORGANIZATION 'S PORTION OF CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED You have already been adv ted of bhe minimum amount to be sedate ag your chapter, both for the nationel organization and for the chapter's local program. All funds received during the campaign are to be divided in ARNG aANGe with the Penwputages furnished you. ae It is requested that cash collections and collections on pledges be remitted weekly to area headquarters. It is also requested that Form 1615-B, copy attached, be used when forwarding remittances. A supply of Form 1615-B is being sent to the chapter. This report should be prepared by the chapter treasurer and should reflect actual cash on deposit in the chapter treasury.. You will be kept currently informed of amounts received at area headquarters which have been credited to your chapter; the total of these credits is item D above. The chapter's portion of such contributions will be remitted currently during the cam- paign to the chapter treasuror. The sume percentages furnished you for division of funds received by the chapter will be used in arriving at the amount to be remitted. Fog tru, a yours, — as “ a “i SEs Zit bee Apl VED g ley Enc. Post card (2B if’ H. chao aie | Ree Form 1615-B (2) . Manéger U= 641-7 Form 1615-B AMERTCAN RED CROSS | Rev. Feb. 1944 REMITTANCE OF 1944 WAR FUND CONTRIBUTIONS No. Chapter 2 Date Name State REMITTANCE STATEMENT mo Total cash collected to date ‘ 2. Authorized_% retained by chapter fe fe fe 3. Amount due National Organization . cos 4. Amount previously remitted to Area Office $ 5. Balance due National Organization - _ Cheek Attsthed . 5 2s. + § Remarks — om Se ee oe om am Ge a oe Ge oe Ge Gt Oe GH a ae om ce ceo cee Ge Ge GD GD CD ee GD Ge GD Ge Ge ce GE Gm CHD am GD Ge Gx ap GP Ge GH Gm Ge Gm GP GH GE Ge am Se Gm GE Gm cE GH Ge GD Gm Sep Gee Gee ee Ge Ge tet oun Cae oup OOF em ee Gee GE coy ee Gee mY cee Cee cee OES oe eee CAMPAIGN REPORT *6. Total cash collected to date (Same as 1 above). ... eee $ 7. -Umpaid pledges on hand. ....5.... 4 8. Credits reported from Area Office $ O. Goes) ee ee ce cn es Se *This figure should at all times reflect the total amount collected from the begins of the campaign to the date of this report. SOURCES OF THIS REPORTED TOTAL 30. Been $ of. Bee Ge ae ee ss ce Se Se dey Rill ote we eee oo er ee a 1, Total ratsed (same as item 9) .. ¢ 14, Number of individual contributors of $1.00 or more (do not include corporations, other business firms or organizations) . . Signed_ Chapter Treasurer List on the reverse side sontributlons: of $10,000 or more which have not been Sere reported. (Mail to dniertcon: ted Cross, 1709 Washington Ave., St. Louis ae sanperd. ) List here contributions of $10,000 or more from Corporations or Individuals Name of Contributor Address Amount Remarks Form 1615-B AMERICAN RED -CROSS , Rev. Feb. 1944 REMITTANCE OF 194 WAR FUND CONTRIBUTIONS No. Chapter Date Name State REMITTANCE STATEMENT i Total cash collected to date . 2. Authorized_% retained by chapter . . £p- f* - 3. Amount due National Organization... . 4, Amount previously remitted to Area Office $ 5. Balance due National Organization - Cheek Attechea . 3. 1 we ts & Remarks CAMPAIGN REPORT *6. Total cash collected to date (Same as 1 above)... . Cel eae 68 7. Umpaid pledges on hand... 8. Credits reported from Area Office ~ oe ive . 9. Total raised to date . *This figure should at all times reflect the total amount collected from the beginning of the campaign to the date of this report. SOURCES OF THIS REPORTED TOTAL boa Bad OUNET (en o aG eae ara e Ree Ce re er a 4s a ee ee a ee a se ee ee $ - § 13. Total ratsed (same as item 9) .. 14. Number of individual contributors of $1.00 or more (do not include corporations, other business firms or organizations) Signed_ : Chapter Treasurer List on the reverse side contributions of $10,000 or more which have not been previously reported. (Mail to American Red Cross, 1709 Washington Ave., St. Louis (3), Missouri.) List here contributions of $10,000 or more from Corporations or Individuals Name of Contributor 8 Address rs : Remarks