THE AMERICAN RED CROSS IN WORLD WAR II This is what the Red Cross did last year. 1. It collected 5,000,000 pints of blood. 2. It gave personal aid to 3,800,000 service men. Oe It gave aid to 119,000 persons in major disasters. 4. It gave aid to 15,000 survivors of marine disasters. 5. It prepared 925,000,000 surgical dressings. 6. It made 12,000,000 garments. 7. It prepared 5,000,000 special packages for war prisoners. 8. It set up 350 overseas clubs for service men. 9 t ain 135,000 recreation programs in camps and os a 10. It recruited 50,000 nurses for army service. ll. It enlisted and trained 65,000 volunteers for nurse's aide. 12. It paced 85 large mobile units in operation overseas. The Red Cross is continuing all the work started last year and in most cases expanding their services. It is collecting 105,000 pints of blood per day. It is preparing 1,190,000 packages per month for Geneva. It is using the services of 6,000,000 volunteer workers and a total of only 18,555 paid workers at home and abroad. There are 330 volunteer workers for every paid worker. ee ' . . e e ~ ~ s ’ t Y #--The Red Cross is a civilizing force in a bruised and broken world. #--The Red Cross is our one great movement that helps those nobler qualities of mercy, charity and kindness to flower and bloom among human beings. #--Give To The Red Cross-~-It will help drive away bitterness and despair for millions of fellow Americans. #--The Red Cross Is Your Angel of Mercy. a ee Pre |