MATRIX FEATURES—lIn addition to the mats offered to the chapters in the War Fund Feature Sheet and in the News Service, national headquarters will furnish photo and illustrated features in “mat” form direct to daily newspapers through one of the mat syndi- cates. These mats are not furnished to the chapters. ELECTROPLATE FEATURES—“Boiler plates” containing War Fund stories and pictures will be offered to a special list of about four thousand small newspapers throughout the country for use during the two weeks preceding and the first two weeks of the campaign. Plates are sent directly to newspapers by the Publicity Department. ADVERTISING—Proofs of suggested War Fund ads of several sizes for use in donated space in newspapers and other local and regional periodicals will be furnished to chapters together with in- structions on their use and how to order the mats. All national adver- tising material for newspapers and magazines will be handled by the War Advertising Council in cooperation with the Red Cross. CLERGY LETTER—This letter is intended for presentation to the clergy of all faiths throughout the chapter jurisdiction. It is an appeal for the cooperation of the churches in observing Red Cross Sunday. SPEAKERS’ MATERIAL—War Fund speeches, covering indi- vidual Red Cross Services, and general talks will be made available to chapters. The chapter Speakers Bureau Manual and Red Cross Speakers Bureau Kit also contain valuable suggestions. STATEMENTS OF SUPPORT FROM PROMINENT PERSONS —A number of statements from prominent Americans endorsing the War Fund will be made available to chapters as they are obtained by the national organization. Suggested proclamations also will be fur- nished to chapters. CARTOONISTS AND SYNDICATES—The Publicity Department at national headquarters by letter invites newspaper artists and the feature organizations to publicize the War Fund in individual car- toons, and in comic strips and other feature series. Chapters should also contact local newspaper cartoonists through the paper’s editor. RADIO Radio Sections will arrange special network broadcasts and spot announcements on leading coast-to-coast programs. The possibility of a kickoff show now is being discussed with officials of the Office of War Information, but as yet plans are not definite. RECORDED PROGRAMS—Fifteen special War Fund dramatic transcriptions, featuring stars of the stage and screen, will be avail- able without cost to all chapters where radio stations are located. These programs will fit in with the current year-round series, “Service Unlimited,” following the same general format, but including appeals for funds. They will provide time for local appeals.