RADIO SCRIPTS—Through the script and recording exchange catalog, radio scripts, including interviews and simple dramatic pro- grams on all Red Cross services, also will be provided. As indicated above, many spot announcements will be handled nationally. There will, however, be some written especially for local chapters’ use. MOTION PICTURES WAR FUND DOCUMENTARY FILM—A 10-minute reel to be distributed through the War Activities Committee of the motion picture industry to 15,000 theaters prior to and during the campaign. Like the 1948 film, “Since Pearl Harbor,” it will be produced by the March of Time and will give a dramatic picture of Red Cross services of greatest public interest at that time. WAR FUND TRAILER—National headquarters will arrange for the production of a motion picture trailer which will be distributed during the campaign to more than 15,000 theaters throughout the country, through the courtesy of the War Activities Committee of the motion picture industry. Chapters will not handle the distribution of these trailers. The showing will coincide with Red Cross Week in the movie houses, date to be announced later. OTHER FILMS—Information regarding other Red Cross motion pictures in 16 mm. and 35 mm. may be obtained from area offices. A number of issues of Red Cross newsreels will be available to chapters for nontheatrical showing before and during the campaign. Arrange- ments will be made also to provide the newsreel companies and other motion picture producers with suitable Red Cross material. GENERAL MAGAZINES—National headquarters is arranging for many nationally circulated magazines to carry Red Cross covers, articles, and sponsored advertisements in their March issues. More than one. thousand trade, class, and technical magazines of national circulation will receive War Fund stories for use in their March issues. These stories as well as the cuts are serviced from Washington. SPECIAL SERVICES—Special stories will be furnished by na- tional headquarters to labor, farm, church, and fraternal publications. SUGGESTED WINDOW DISPLAYS—A large sheet illustrated with suggested window displays will be sent to chapters to furnish ideas for War Fund displays. RAILROAD PUBLICITY—The national organization makes ar- rangements with the railroad systems either to print a small illustra- tion of the poster and an invitation to support the War Fund upon their dining car menus or to distribute in the dining cars an attractive postcard picturing it. A number of railroad systems will be provided posters from Washington to display in their stations. ARC 1125 Rev. Nov. 1943