er eee, RED CROSS WAR FUND PUBLICITY CHECK LIST (Check yourself on these: FACTS . 1. Distribution to key people in chapter?._............. cee PN eee RN a as Ooules £0 Gpeakers Goctions i. 6 ee Cs ee RR ( 53. Copy to news editors and radio stations? ee ey Oe ( We Re 80 Sone ee a ( Dn CORY BO CIA ye a Hs ee ee a ( 6.) Copies to organization heads? 2 ee en ek Dei pROOy TS CLVAG Denieraty: eo oe i Le es, coe ROTOGRAVURE=TABLO IDS 1. Arranged for carrier newspaper distribution? ... vA 2. Arranged for house-to-house distribution by Junior Red Cites ( 3. Made available as enclosure for large mailings? f 4... Disteioution te: nudtendee? (-) 2 a Le BO oe | ( 5. Display on public windows and Haliet in bearer ae ( ‘6. Distribution to doctors' offices, pe ee 88 Club rooms and dimites Josations? os Se ae ee Re et INFORMATION LEAFLET L. Made available! as enclosure for mailings?) . 6 8 ( 2. Provided as newspaper insert for carrier circulation? ...-... G 3. Distribution at churches, theaters, rnilroad stations, etc.?............. ( WAR FUND FEATURE SHEET Ly PUBUPIOULION BO speekeras oo ee ee oT gee ae ae ‘ 2. Provided to newspapers, house organs, and other local publications? oe Se COpies, bo-wenio stations? 2 5 oe ee PNR ea ee eee ( NEWS SERVICE SHEET AND OVERSEAS NEWS SHEET Ll. Provided to speakers, news editors and. radio news editors? =~ =... ( 2. Use for display eee ae ee ( WINDOW DISPLAYS : i I. Extensive use of Red Cross action photographs? sss ss iwi‘ a 2. Complete window display units? (Available through Color Print, _ eR Re CORON rc Or ee ( 3. Use of sepia photo enlargements available through Area office? 7 ( 4, Use of local production items, Junior Red Cross, and Volunteer ‘Special Services Fe en vce evennsesenrcseeeasenses nary Lee ar ee ge ( De Posters prepared: in athople? "|. Ok Pee Roe seni ee ne ( 6. Distribution of War Fund posters thous Local Apane laine group and retailers’ association? .... eT es ey, PS eae ( {+ Solicitation of retailers for window’ space? =... ny ( 6S. Build windows around Red Cross magezine covers and special Pontus artitiba ant faymitst 2 a ee es ( 9. Make photo enlargements of pertinent Red Cross quotations, CRORE Oe OF Ceuta ie tO yO i ee eee a 10. Use Red Cross Courier as window abagis uy theme dramatizing BGUITI TICS. OL Wat parvice proprant = oo cic) ee ( ll. Make up special display panels emphasizing Red Cross news, | POO TUNGE Ce a a ie pe ON ( "nN Se ad ——— —— We ee agi” eee ee Ne Ne Se SNe er Na Ne ee