PRESS MATERIAL 1. Rewrite stories: from: (2) Red Cross Overseas News? ..............-.:2.2....- Da ge oe Se EUa2 (a4 fed OnGee News Geevide Sheet? ee ee? 5) PHL MATION GRAV ICE oe ee ye (iy War Pane Peete Gubet. ca a Se ai fa eg ) 2. Distribution of news mate to newspapers, house organs, etc.? .........2.2-.. ee 3. Use of sponsored advertising proof book ond mats? ..............-2:eeeeeeeeee ti) h, Solicitation of potential advertisers? __... ce ein pata Bue ee epee . 3 MOTION PICTURES i. Check with theater managers on showing at "At His Side"? 22. 0... 22.2... (4 2. Purchase or rental of "At His Side" for community showings? ...........--.- Ca 3. Purchase or rental of Red Cross Newsreels for community or group Bei EGEE A a ee ee CG a. CG 4k. Purchase or rental Or Other Hed Cross Tidmat e ior open dl: CJ SPEAKERS 1. Scheduling March eiaiawoue before importent organizations? oe 2. Appeals at theaters or other CONT HAGT IORI ee ee a ee G+) 3. Providing speckers for church, school, club, and other group meetings,..( ) 4, Arranging for qualified speakers on radiot el i te ge MRS eg a te ced ) PLUS SUGGESTIONS WAR FUND ENDORSEMENTS i. Run one endorsement each day of March in editorial page or front page box of newspaper. Use endorsements as basis for redio station plugs. Provide endorsements to speakers of merit outside Red Cross. . Provide to newspapers as "colum fillers." . Provide to advertisers for insertion in display advertisements. » Reproduce for posting on bulletin boards and windows. NW FOI! NATIONAL RADIO 1. Use radio stars’ pictures as basis for window display to publicize national radio programs on Red Cross. (Pictures may be obtained from local radio station.) 2. Pick up quotes on Red Cross as used by notables on radio and display with photos. 3. Publicize local programs, "Service Unlimited," and network shows extensively. MISCELLANEOUS | l. Fesay ‘contests on Red Cross in schools. 2.. Prepare short human interest stories on incidents occurring dur ing the campaign for boxed feature item each day in newspaper. 3. Campaign "kick-off" meetings, parades, etc. 4. Display of Red Cross flags in business district. (For additional suggestions see January 28 issue of PUBLIC INFORMATION SERVICE, ) Don L. Short Copy - War Fund Chairman Director Public Information Chairman Public Information U-611