Mareh lly 1944 tir, Wade Pierce, Chairman , 4 American Red Cross “ Kansas Electric Power Co. Lawrence, Konsas My dear Mr, Pierees ¥e appreciate the concern, regarding quotas, expressed in your letter of March 8 and will try oe ae Fer ae Serene eee ene ee Oe in understanding the allocation of the National quota, Attached for your inforsation and recerd is a copy of tir. Keiskerte letter of January 6 which advises that the ainimum needs of the National and Intersational programs would be $140,000,000. ‘his figure ws determined on | the basis of world-wide operation and without reference to the local program | needs of any chapter. You will reeall that the total for National and Inter~ , national programe for last year were $100,000,000 and that the National Organi~ ) zation had a reserve of $20,000,000 dor as e. Ase you can weadihy see this reserve reduced the amount asked Soir the seen | wogran to JOO,» You will wish to take tiis $60,000,000 into consideration as agains needs of this year inasmuch ae the National Organisation dose not , such as last year, I am sure you have no question regarding the need for this gum which we have — to distribute equitably anong — through the re Y gather sheds your Saaadtabe concern is the equity of distribution of the National needs amomng ch ipters. : By way of explanation I would like to make mention of ‘the fact that the Midwestern Area has notyin the past, carried its fair shore of the total needs for the country as a whole. ‘This year an attempt has been aade for these Hide wanen — te carry Sele fete ‘ears of the total needs. pe es have a rae” : | wey